Saturday, April 24, 2010

The meaning of our names....not a joke?

P olite

A dorable

N ice

O mg

S unny


R idiculously-good

A dventurous

M oral

B uoyant

L ogical

I ndependent

N imble

G entle

R eliable

O n to something

S trong

E xtraordinary


P oised

U nique

M agnificent

A ctive


Q uizzical

U nlimited

I mmortal

Z onked out

A thletic

R ich

D ramatic


B eautiful

A ctive

B eautilicious

E xuberant

T remendous

T otally-awesome

E xcitable


T otally-awesome

R elaxed

A pproachable

C harismatic

E nergetic

Y ummy

D elicious

A mbitious

V aliant

O utstanding


A lluring

N ude

G ood

E xtraordinary

L ovely


B rainy

R eliable

I deal

A wesome

N ouveau

M oral


D etermined

O mg

D etermined

I ncredible

E ndearing


H eroic

A dorable

S exy

I ndomitable

C ool

I nnocent

T ranquil


M erciful

R eliable

S uccessful

V aliant

E nigmatic

S unny

I mpressive

C harismatic


W ell-spoken

O utgoing

N umber one

D azzling

E nlightened

R ich

S uccessful

T ruthful

A wesome

R emarkable


C lever

O utstanding

O mgomg

P leasant

E xtraordinary

R ich


P olite

E legant

A spiring

N ice

U nlimited

T antalizing


L ovely

A rtistic

R emarkable

R elaxed

Y outhful

M ature


M oral

U plifting

M erciful

S pecial

O utstanding

N ecessary


B old

U plifting

D ivine

D ramatic

Y outhful


S oulful

K ind

Y outhful

B rainy

L aughing

U nlimited

E xtraordinary

C reative

A bsolutely awesome

R espectful

P ositive


F ree-spirited

I n good hands

D ifferent

G ood at heart

E xcellent

T ruthful

Y ummy

F lirtatious

I mmortal

N ude

G ood

E xcitable

R esponsible

S oulful


L ucky

A pproachable

U nique

R esponsible

A dorable


T ough

H eroic

E xceptional

H elpful

A stute

P ersuasive

P ersonable

Y outhful

M erciful

U nique

R elaxed

C harismatic

I n good hands

A lluring

The meaning of our names....not a joke?
You have made my day!!!

Thank you sooo much...



where is my bag of stars now.....

Reply:Haha thats cool.
Reply:If I could give you 1001 stars I would, that was Bril with a capital B. Cheers Mechelle

You've been working hard!!

Star on its way!! *

Loved it, really loved it!!
Reply:oh thats ok if u missed mine: let me describe me..... :)

I am......

H onest

U nique

G raceful

M ysterious

E nergetic

startime 4 u!

but u left out my name :((
Reply:very good
Reply:i dont get it =S
Reply:Thank you from the bottom of my heart :)

You really made my day with this.

Here's a star for you, my friend. *
Reply:Awwwww, Thank You Mechelle!! I feel special!

100 Stars For You!!!! Love Yah Girl!!!
Reply:they are so cool x
Reply:who would name their kids these names
Reply:excellent :-) have a star
Reply:M erry

E xcellent

C heerful

H appy

E asy going

L ovely

L ikeable

E ver caring

T ruthful

H elpful

E xtraordinary

J okes

O utstanding

K ind

E xcitable

F riendly

A dorable

I ntelligent

R espectful

Y outhful
Reply:where's mine?

Ohh, THANX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Reply:they are good but didnt see me on there.

is my name too long? you can use my old one. yahoo princess

young (29 forever)

alluring (ive heard)

helpful (not the word i wanted to use. lol)

onery (at times)

0pen minded


right all the time (lol)

i cant think of anything to put here





sexy (so, i have heard)

WOW!!!! you did the long version.

loved it!! thanx!!!!
Reply:It surely looks somewhat tedious. Wonder how you just managed. Thank you all the same. I somewhat feel important and let me tell you I am truly honored.
Reply:Lol Honey I loved that here have a
Reply:awww you missed my name out lol.....starred
Reply:Mechelle, you are so nice. I loved mine. You get a gold star and a big HUG. lol.
Reply:Thank You star Not rich though Rebellious and certainly Zonked out.

M arvellous

E nchanting

C lever

H ilarious

E ffervescent

L ively

L ovely

E ntertaining

T errific

H appy

E xciting

J oker

O rderly

K een

E xciting

F riendly

A miable

I ntelligent

R espected

Y ummy
Reply:really clever but you forgot me:(
Reply:you missed me!

that must have taken some time... a star for you!
Reply:Best one I have seen in a long time. That is 100% excellent. Thanks so much. A star for you.
Reply:Freakin random dude. And you left me out......*sniffs*

thanks for sharing
Reply:Very very cute and clever to boot thanks for the post.
Reply:Special star for you, well done, they are very good....

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