I have been told that the Gasperik name mybe German. I am not sure of the other two names, any help I can get would be very helpful.
I am looking for the meaning of last names of my family, Gasperik, Hearp, Lesny. I can not find them. Help?
Pisces Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio Libra
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Your name: gasperik Chart showing the numerical values of the letters in your name
A few statistics:
The average value: 5.1
The letters of your name have, on average, slightly higher values than the central value of 5.
The span: 8
This is the largest minus the smallest, and is a measure of how spread out the letters of your name are in terms of their numerical values. As it is high, the letters of your name have a large numerical range.
The letters as numbers:
7, 1, 1, 7, 5, 9, 9, 2
Name details
Your name number is the number 5. Within the family circle you would identify yourself as someone with a strong need for freedom, who likes to experiment with things, to travel, to be adventurous. You have a certain charm. Dynamic, curious.
Your desire number is 5. Qualities: The desire to be perpetually in movement or activity, the pursuit of freedom and adventure. Lot of energy. Love of novelty. Drawn towards the company of other people, especially those who can captivate the attention. Seeks the easiness. Often versatile.
Possible faults: Can be unstable, due to the taste for taking risks or following easy desires. Not always consistent. A little disorganised and changeable.
What next?
Okay, that was just for fun... but if you are interested in serious numerology you can get your own detailed report. Or why not try another name.
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Pisces Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio Libra
Virgo Leo Cancer Gemini Taurus Aries
Astrology and Horoscopes
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Your name: hearp Chart showing the numerical values of the letters in your name
A few statistics:
The average value: 6
The letters of your name have, on average, slightly higher values than the central value of 5.
The span: 8
This is the largest minus the smallest, and is a measure of how spread out the letters of your name are in terms of their numerical values. As it is high, the letters of your name have a large numerical range.
The letters as numbers:
8, 5, 1, 9, 7
Name details
Your name number is the number 3. You would identify yourself as the one in the family group who has the need to be self-expressive in both speech and writing. You are the one who enjoys life's pleasures. Sociable, clever, and imaginative.
Your desire number is 3. Qualities: The desire to express oneself, to communicate. An extrovert, thus likes to have company. Enjoys living. Creativity and artistic flair.
Possible faults: The need to show off, which is connected with numerous other character traits such as vanity and boastfulness. There is also a tendency for under-achievement and dissipation.
What next?
Okay, that was just for fun... but if you are interested in serious numerology you can get your own detailed report. Or why not try another name.
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Pisces Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio Libra
Virgo Leo Cancer Gemini Taurus Aries
Astrology and Horoscopes
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Your name: lesny Chart showing the numerical values of the letters in your name
A few statistics:
The average value: 4.2
The letters of your name have, on average, slightly lower values than the central value of 5.
The span: 6
This is the largest minus the smallest, and is a measure of how spread out the letters of your name are in terms of their numerical values. As it is quite high, the letters of your name have quite a large numerical range.
The letters as numbers:
3, 5, 1, 5, 7
Name details
Your name number is the number 3. You would identify yourself as the one in the family group who has the need to be self-expressive in both speech and writing. You are the one who enjoys life's pleasures. Sociable, clever, and imaginative.
Your desire number is 3. Qualities: The desire to express oneself, to communicate. An extrovert, thus likes to have company. Enjoys living. Creativity and artistic flair.
Possible faults: The need to show off, which is connected with numerous other character traits such as vanity and boastfulness. There is also a tendency for under-achievement and dissipation.
What next?
Okay, that was just for fun... but if you are interested in serious numerology you can get your own detailed report. Or why not try another name.
Weekly/daily horoscopes Celebrity horoscopes Detailed astrology For web site owners
horoscopes on this site celebrities on this site horoscopes to buy free horoscopes for web sites
horoscopes by email celebrity quiz free samples sponsor our site or advertise
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AAHoroscopes Home | Contact Us | Privacy and Service
This site and its contents are copyright 漏 AAHoroscopes.com, 2000-2002. All rights reserved.
Reply:The spellings may have been changed or the names shortened. Lesny may be Irish.
Friday, November 20, 2009
What is the meaning of Muslim name HAMNAH ?
As much as i know its the name of The daughter of Jahsh al-Asdiyah was so named; she narrated Hadith.I need the meaning of the word coz i named my baby girl HAMNAH.
What is the meaning of Muslim name HAMNAH ?
Thats correct. Hamnah is the narrator of Hadith.
Also,Name of a Sahabiyyah, who is known as Hamnah bint Jahsh and she was a sister of Hazrat Zainab
Reply:Favored grace
Reply:Favoured Grace, Why give ur child a name like dat?
What is the meaning of Muslim name HAMNAH ?
Thats correct. Hamnah is the narrator of Hadith.
Also,Name of a Sahabiyyah, who is known as Hamnah bint Jahsh and she was a sister of Hazrat Zainab
Reply:Favored grace
Reply:Favoured Grace, Why give ur child a name like dat?
What is the origin, and meaning of the name Chirlinn?
This is the first name of a lovely lady from the Bahamas, and I wondered it's origin, and the meaning of it. Thank you.
What is the origin, and meaning of the name Chirlinn?
Chirlinn is an Irish Gaelic variant spelling of Cherilyn, which is a blend of the names Cheri and Lynn.
Cheri is of French origin, and its meaning is "dear one, darling."
Lynn is of English origin, and is a variant of Flann (Irish, Gaelic) "ruddy-complected." The Old English and Gaelic meaning is "lake," "waterfall," or "pool." Lynn is sometimes used as a diminutive of Linda (Spanish) "pretty." Lynn is especially used as a middle name, and as a feminine beginning or ending in many name blends, such as Kaylyn and Lynlee.
learn kung fu
What is the origin, and meaning of the name Chirlinn?
Chirlinn is an Irish Gaelic variant spelling of Cherilyn, which is a blend of the names Cheri and Lynn.
Cheri is of French origin, and its meaning is "dear one, darling."
Lynn is of English origin, and is a variant of Flann (Irish, Gaelic) "ruddy-complected." The Old English and Gaelic meaning is "lake," "waterfall," or "pool." Lynn is sometimes used as a diminutive of Linda (Spanish) "pretty." Lynn is especially used as a middle name, and as a feminine beginning or ending in many name blends, such as Kaylyn and Lynlee.
learn kung fu
The meaning of family names,as posted by (the historicle research centre)?
Donno what ur talking about but thanks for the 2 points =)
The meaning of family names,as posted by (the historicle research centre)?
er. . . you forgot to ask something?
The meaning of family names,as posted by (the historicle research centre)?
er. . . you forgot to ask something?
Do you or have you put any value in the meaning of a name when choosing one for your child?
How much does the meaning of a name matter when choosing your child's name? Would you ever use a name that doesn't have a great meaning? What is the meaning of your child's name? If you don't have any children, what is the meaning of the name that you are planning on using for your child?
Do you or have you put any value in the meaning of a name when choosing one for your child?
Yes. My husband and had tried for two years to get pregnant with much disappointment, after two years we finaly did. We named our son Matthew which means a gift from God.
Reply:I suppose it doesnt really matter.. i mean when you tell someone your name they dont ask "what does that mean" ... so no i guess it doesnt matter
Although it is nice to have a name that has a meaning to you, like my name means morning star, and my fiancee thinks it suits me cos i am a great morning person ;-)
Reply:We have value in my daughter's middle name. My husband's brother passed away very unexpectedly 5 years ago. They were very close. His name was Michael Lee. So, when we found out we were having a girl we combined to two to make Miklee. So far, it has been very well received.
Reply:My kids were adopted.But I will when and if I have bio kids.If I like a name I will use it as long as its not way out their.My adopted kids names meanings are.
evan-young warrior michael- who is like god.
Evan micael
David-the beloved one justin-rightous
David justin
Reply:I think that's personally up to you. When you choose a name for your child, if it has a special meaning or not, it is special because you chose it and you like it.
Reply:The meaning doesn't really matter to me at all.
If the name has got meaning, that's great. But, it's never been a part of my decision making process.
Reply:I dont really care what the meaning is but they usually turn out being good meanings when i look.
Mine- Amanda means lovable, and i am.
Jeanne- The lord is gracious
Ariel- Lion Of God
Glenn- Valley or A Secluded
Reply:The meaning didn't really matter to me when I was deciding names. But now that they are older I look at the meanings of my kids names and it fits them.
Do you or have you put any value in the meaning of a name when choosing one for your child?
Yes. My husband and had tried for two years to get pregnant with much disappointment, after two years we finaly did. We named our son Matthew which means a gift from God.
Reply:I suppose it doesnt really matter.. i mean when you tell someone your name they dont ask "what does that mean" ... so no i guess it doesnt matter
Although it is nice to have a name that has a meaning to you, like my name means morning star, and my fiancee thinks it suits me cos i am a great morning person ;-)
Reply:We have value in my daughter's middle name. My husband's brother passed away very unexpectedly 5 years ago. They were very close. His name was Michael Lee. So, when we found out we were having a girl we combined to two to make Miklee. So far, it has been very well received.
Reply:My kids were adopted.But I will when and if I have bio kids.If I like a name I will use it as long as its not way out their.My adopted kids names meanings are.
evan-young warrior michael- who is like god.
Evan micael
David-the beloved one justin-rightous
David justin
Reply:I think that's personally up to you. When you choose a name for your child, if it has a special meaning or not, it is special because you chose it and you like it.
Reply:The meaning doesn't really matter to me at all.
If the name has got meaning, that's great. But, it's never been a part of my decision making process.
Reply:I dont really care what the meaning is but they usually turn out being good meanings when i look.
Mine- Amanda means lovable, and i am.
Jeanne- The lord is gracious
Ariel- Lion Of God
Glenn- Valley or A Secluded
Reply:The meaning didn't really matter to me when I was deciding names. But now that they are older I look at the meanings of my kids names and it fits them.
Meaning of text, names, and children in dreams
1: what does it mean if you write something down or if you read something written by someone else in a dream? is it somehow more significant than the rest of the dream?
i dreamt i had a child about two years old and someone asked me her name. i said it was Maya and when i woke up i even knew how i spelled it in the dream from either writing or reading it.
question 2 is: what's the significance of babies or children in dreams? other than the dreamer wanting to have children IRL.
3 is: i googled the name Maya later and found out that in sanskrit the name means "dream" or "illusion", do you think this is coincidence or does it have meaning?
Meaning of text, names, and children in dreams
i have heard when there is children in your dreams it can represent yourself at the age of that child. if you are also in the dream it is not you. only one person in the dream can represent yourself. i cant help you with the text. there are some good websites out there about dream analysis... wish i had some links for you
i dreamt i had a child about two years old and someone asked me her name. i said it was Maya and when i woke up i even knew how i spelled it in the dream from either writing or reading it.
question 2 is: what's the significance of babies or children in dreams? other than the dreamer wanting to have children IRL.
3 is: i googled the name Maya later and found out that in sanskrit the name means "dream" or "illusion", do you think this is coincidence or does it have meaning?
Meaning of text, names, and children in dreams
i have heard when there is children in your dreams it can represent yourself at the age of that child. if you are also in the dream it is not you. only one person in the dream can represent yourself. i cant help you with the text. there are some good websites out there about dream analysis... wish i had some links for you
How can I find the full meaning of my name?
I'm doing a project for my art class and I need to find the meaning of my name! Alexis and I know it means defender, protector but I want the full meaning like the ones you get framed to put in your room and you see it has more meaning and discription.
Anyone know any sites like that?
How can I find the full meaning of my name?
Russian Male Defender or helper. This Russian masculine name became popular in Britain and the US in the early 20th century, and is now given to children of either sexe.
Russian Female Defender or helper.
Latin Female Defender of man.
Greek Male Defender of man.
Greek Female Feminine form of Alexander: Defender of men, helper. Alexander the Great was a 4th century Macedonian king for whom the Egyptian city of Alexandria is named.
French Female Feminine form Alexandre.
English Female Helper; defender. Variant of Alexander.
Your number is: 7
The characteristics of #7 are: Analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating.
The expression or destiny for #7:
Thought, analysis, introspection, and seclusiveness are all characteristics of the expression number 7. The hallmark of the number 7 is a good mind, and especially good at searching out and finding the truth. You are so very capable of analyzing, judging and discriminating, that very little ever escapes your observation and deep understanding. You are the type of person that can really get involved in a search for wisdom or hidden truths, often becoming an authority on whatever it is your are focusing on. This can easily be of a technical or scientific nature, or it may be religious or occult, it matters very little, you pursue knowledge with the same sort of vigor. You can make a very fine teacher, or because of a natural inclination toward the spiritual, you may become deeply emerged in religious affairs or even psychic explorations. You tend to operate on a rather different wavelength, and many of your friends may not really know you very well. The positive aspects of the 7 expression are that you can be a true perfectionist in a very positive sense of the word. You are very logical, and usually employ a quite rational approach to most things you do. You can be so rational at times that you almost seem to lack emotion, and when you are faced with an emotional situation, you may have a bit of a problem coping with it. You have excellent capabilities to study and learn really deep and difficult subjects, and to search for hidden fundamentals. At full maturity you are likely to be a very peaceful and poised individual.
If there is an over supply of the number 7 in your makeup, the negative aspects of the number may be apparent. The chief negative of 7 relates to the limited degree of trust that you may have in people. A tendency to be highly introverted can make you a bit on the self-centered side, certainly very much self-contained . Because of this, you are not very adaptable, and you may tend to be overly critical and intolerant. You really like to work alone, at your own pace and in your own way. You neither show or understand emotions very well.
Your Soul Urge number is: 6
A Soul Urge number of 6 means:
With a number 6 Soul Urge, you would like to be appreciated for your ability to handle responsibility. Your home and family are likely to be a strong focus for you, perhaps the strongest focus of your life. Friendship, love, and affection are high on your list of priorities for a happy life. You have a lot of diplomatic tendencies in your makeup, as you a able to rectify and balance situations with an innate skill. You like working with people rather than by yourself. It is extremely important for you to have harmony in your environment at all times.
The positive side of the 6 Soul Urge produces a huge capacity for responsibility; you are always there and ready to assume more than your share of the load. If you possess positive 6 Soul Urges and express them, you are known for your generosity, understanding and deep sympathetic attitude. Strong 6 energy is very giving of love, affection, and emotional support. You may have the inclination to teach or serve your community in other idealistic ways. You have natural abilities to help people. You are also likely to have artistic and creative leanings.
If you have an over-supply of 6 energy in your makeup, you may express some of the negative traits common to this number. With such a strong sympathetic attitude, it is easy to become too emotional. Sometimes the desires to render help can be over done, and it can become interfering and an attitude that is too protective, rather than helpful. The person with too much 6 energy often finds that people tend to take advantage of this very giving spirit. You may tend to repress your own needs so that you can cater to the demands from others. At times, there may be a tendency in this, for becoming over-loaded with such demands, and as a result become resentful.
Your Inner Dream number is: 1
An Inner Dream number of 1 means:
You dream of being a leader and one who is in charge. You want to be known for your courage, daring, and original ideas. You seek unconquered heights. People may get a first impression that you are very aggressive and sure of yourself.
Reply:Just type "name etymology" into the search engine.
Anyone know any sites like that?
How can I find the full meaning of my name?
Russian Male Defender or helper. This Russian masculine name became popular in Britain and the US in the early 20th century, and is now given to children of either sexe.
Russian Female Defender or helper.
Latin Female Defender of man.
Greek Male Defender of man.
Greek Female Feminine form of Alexander: Defender of men, helper. Alexander the Great was a 4th century Macedonian king for whom the Egyptian city of Alexandria is named.
French Female Feminine form Alexandre.
English Female Helper; defender. Variant of Alexander.
Your number is: 7
The characteristics of #7 are: Analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating.
The expression or destiny for #7:
Thought, analysis, introspection, and seclusiveness are all characteristics of the expression number 7. The hallmark of the number 7 is a good mind, and especially good at searching out and finding the truth. You are so very capable of analyzing, judging and discriminating, that very little ever escapes your observation and deep understanding. You are the type of person that can really get involved in a search for wisdom or hidden truths, often becoming an authority on whatever it is your are focusing on. This can easily be of a technical or scientific nature, or it may be religious or occult, it matters very little, you pursue knowledge with the same sort of vigor. You can make a very fine teacher, or because of a natural inclination toward the spiritual, you may become deeply emerged in religious affairs or even psychic explorations. You tend to operate on a rather different wavelength, and many of your friends may not really know you very well. The positive aspects of the 7 expression are that you can be a true perfectionist in a very positive sense of the word. You are very logical, and usually employ a quite rational approach to most things you do. You can be so rational at times that you almost seem to lack emotion, and when you are faced with an emotional situation, you may have a bit of a problem coping with it. You have excellent capabilities to study and learn really deep and difficult subjects, and to search for hidden fundamentals. At full maturity you are likely to be a very peaceful and poised individual.
If there is an over supply of the number 7 in your makeup, the negative aspects of the number may be apparent. The chief negative of 7 relates to the limited degree of trust that you may have in people. A tendency to be highly introverted can make you a bit on the self-centered side, certainly very much self-contained . Because of this, you are not very adaptable, and you may tend to be overly critical and intolerant. You really like to work alone, at your own pace and in your own way. You neither show or understand emotions very well.
Your Soul Urge number is: 6
A Soul Urge number of 6 means:
With a number 6 Soul Urge, you would like to be appreciated for your ability to handle responsibility. Your home and family are likely to be a strong focus for you, perhaps the strongest focus of your life. Friendship, love, and affection are high on your list of priorities for a happy life. You have a lot of diplomatic tendencies in your makeup, as you a able to rectify and balance situations with an innate skill. You like working with people rather than by yourself. It is extremely important for you to have harmony in your environment at all times.
The positive side of the 6 Soul Urge produces a huge capacity for responsibility; you are always there and ready to assume more than your share of the load. If you possess positive 6 Soul Urges and express them, you are known for your generosity, understanding and deep sympathetic attitude. Strong 6 energy is very giving of love, affection, and emotional support. You may have the inclination to teach or serve your community in other idealistic ways. You have natural abilities to help people. You are also likely to have artistic and creative leanings.
If you have an over-supply of 6 energy in your makeup, you may express some of the negative traits common to this number. With such a strong sympathetic attitude, it is easy to become too emotional. Sometimes the desires to render help can be over done, and it can become interfering and an attitude that is too protective, rather than helpful. The person with too much 6 energy often finds that people tend to take advantage of this very giving spirit. You may tend to repress your own needs so that you can cater to the demands from others. At times, there may be a tendency in this, for becoming over-loaded with such demands, and as a result become resentful.
Your Inner Dream number is: 1
An Inner Dream number of 1 means:
You dream of being a leader and one who is in charge. You want to be known for your courage, daring, and original ideas. You seek unconquered heights. People may get a first impression that you are very aggressive and sure of yourself.
Reply:Just type "name etymology" into the search engine.
What is the meaning of the name Eragon?
Yeah, I know Eragon is a book/movie character who is a dragon rider, but is there any further meaning? I haven't found anything in my web search so far.
What is the meaning of the name Eragon?
thats not a real name, it is fictional.
Reply:Um... it means that Era is gone?
Reply:a meaning for Eragon could be an old era has ended (gone) and a new one has begun.
Reply:sounds like a garden herb.
Reply:It means the new era of dragon riders has began starting with a boy named Eragon. It just means the beginning of a new era.
Reply:Oh Great one
What is the meaning of the name Eragon?
thats not a real name, it is fictional.
Reply:Um... it means that Era is gone?
Reply:a meaning for Eragon could be an old era has ended (gone) and a new one has begun.
Reply:sounds like a garden herb.
Reply:It means the new era of dragon riders has began starting with a boy named Eragon. It just means the beginning of a new era.
Reply:Oh Great one
What is the origin and meaning of the name Sekordri?
I can't seem to find any information on it any where?
What is the origin and meaning of the name Sekordri?
Ancestry.com has a gazillion records, no one named Sekordri.
The Mormons have more names than God, no one named Sekordri.
There is a Sekordri Lewis who shows up in Google. There are only 10 hits in Google for it; one is your question, the rest are Mr. Lewis.
If you can find an e-mail address, write and ask. I'd guess it was made up, mis-spelled or native to a former British Colony whose language isn't well-known.
What is the origin and meaning of the name Sekordri?
Ancestry.com has a gazillion records, no one named Sekordri.
The Mormons have more names than God, no one named Sekordri.
There is a Sekordri Lewis who shows up in Google. There are only 10 hits in Google for it; one is your question, the rest are Mr. Lewis.
If you can find an e-mail address, write and ask. I'd guess it was made up, mis-spelled or native to a former British Colony whose language isn't well-known.
Where Can I Find The Meaning Of East-Indian Names?
Where can I find the meaning of Indian names?
Where Can I Find The Meaning Of East-Indian Names?
Most Indo-Aryan languages come from Sanskrit - I would suggest that a Sanskrit dictionary or a recitation of Sanskrit roots would be useful to you. A reading of Indian scriptures such as the Upanishads might also reveal the meaning of many names that interest you. Many names come from Hindu deities ... like Parvati, the Earth Mother.
wing chun
Where Can I Find The Meaning Of East-Indian Names?
Most Indo-Aryan languages come from Sanskrit - I would suggest that a Sanskrit dictionary or a recitation of Sanskrit roots would be useful to you. A reading of Indian scriptures such as the Upanishads might also reveal the meaning of many names that interest you. Many names come from Hindu deities ... like Parvati, the Earth Mother.
wing chun
Does anyone know the real meaning of different names?
like what does the name Jason, Miranda, %26amp; Summer mean? could someone help me please
Does anyone know the real meaning of different names?
Gender: Masculine
Usage: English, Greek Mythology (Latinized), Biblical
Pronounced: JAY-sun (English) [key]
From the Greek name 螜伪蟽蠅谓 (Iason), which was derived from Greek 喂伪蟽胃伪喂 (iasthai) "to heal". Jason was the leader of the Argonauts in Greek legend. He went in search of the Golden Fleece in order to win back his kingdom from his uncle Pelias. During his journeys he married the sorceress Medea, who helped him gain the fleece and kill his uncle, but who later turned against him when he fell in love with another woman. This name also appears in Acts in the New Testament.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: SUM-ur [key]
Simply means "summer" from the name of the season, ultimately from Old English sumor.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: mu-RAN-da [key]
Derived from Latin mirandus meaning "admirable, wonderful". The name was created by Shakespeare for the heroine in his play 'The Tempest'. This is also the name of one of the moons of Uranus.
Reply:Since those are typical names,you can look them up on baby name sites.
Does anyone know the real meaning of different names?
Gender: Masculine
Usage: English, Greek Mythology (Latinized), Biblical
Pronounced: JAY-sun (English) [key]
From the Greek name 螜伪蟽蠅谓 (Iason), which was derived from Greek 喂伪蟽胃伪喂 (iasthai) "to heal". Jason was the leader of the Argonauts in Greek legend. He went in search of the Golden Fleece in order to win back his kingdom from his uncle Pelias. During his journeys he married the sorceress Medea, who helped him gain the fleece and kill his uncle, but who later turned against him when he fell in love with another woman. This name also appears in Acts in the New Testament.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: SUM-ur [key]
Simply means "summer" from the name of the season, ultimately from Old English sumor.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: mu-RAN-da [key]
Derived from Latin mirandus meaning "admirable, wonderful". The name was created by Shakespeare for the heroine in his play 'The Tempest'. This is also the name of one of the moons of Uranus.
Reply:Since those are typical names,you can look them up on baby name sites.
Can anyone tell me the meaning of these names?
Nitasha, Warisha, Neaz, Faizan, Fraz, Shahla and urdu or arabic meaning plz or english
Can anyone tell me the meaning of these names?
This names were hard to find. I was only able to find this 2 names. Hope it help.
Warisha = Lightning
Shahla = Having bluish-black eyes
Reply:Faizan : inayat, karam
Can anyone tell me the meaning of these names?
This names were hard to find. I was only able to find this 2 names. Hope it help.
Warisha = Lightning
Shahla = Having bluish-black eyes
Reply:Faizan : inayat, karam
What's the biblical meaning of the name Savannah?
I saw the biblical definition in a bookstore once and love it. I just named my daughter Savannah but I can't remeber what it means! I already know the meaning about the plateau.
What's the biblical meaning of the name Savannah?
The name Savannah isn't used in the bible, ergo it doensn't have a Biblica meaning. It comes from the Taino word for a grassy plain, "zabana". It's a beautiful name ... just not Biblical.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: sa-VAN-a
Means simply "savannah" from the English word for the large grassy plain, ultimately deriving from the Taino (Native American) word zabana.
Reply:As I'm certain others have pointed out, there simply isn't one. Savannah quite literally means, well, savannah! Simply referring to a large, grassy plain and ultimately taken from the Native American -- not Hebrew LOL -- word zabana.
Any book that erroneously listed some random Biblical meaning was simply -- and clearly -- inaccurate. Certainly not worth the paper it was printed on. LOL The only actual Biblical names I can imagine you might be confusing this with would be ...
Sapphira - meaning, quite obviously, sapphire
Shiphrah - "beautiful"
Susanna(h) - commonly sited as meaning "lily," but also "rose" (in modern Hebrew) and related to the Egyptian word for "lotus." A floral name, in other words. ;)
Zibiah - "roe; deer"
Zipporah - "bird"
Hope that helps!
Reply:Where is it mentioned in the Bible??
ITYF it's purely geographical
The girl's name Savannah \s(a)-vannah, sav(an)-nah\ is pronounced sa-VAN-ah. It is of Spanish origin, and its meaning is "treeless plain". Place name: the city of Savannah, Georgia.
n 2006, the name Savannah was ranked #30
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Treeless
What's the biblical meaning of the name Savannah?
The name Savannah isn't used in the bible, ergo it doensn't have a Biblica meaning. It comes from the Taino word for a grassy plain, "zabana". It's a beautiful name ... just not Biblical.
Gender: Feminine
Usage: English
Pronounced: sa-VAN-a
Means simply "savannah" from the English word for the large grassy plain, ultimately deriving from the Taino (Native American) word zabana.
Reply:As I'm certain others have pointed out, there simply isn't one. Savannah quite literally means, well, savannah! Simply referring to a large, grassy plain and ultimately taken from the Native American -- not Hebrew LOL -- word zabana.
Any book that erroneously listed some random Biblical meaning was simply -- and clearly -- inaccurate. Certainly not worth the paper it was printed on. LOL The only actual Biblical names I can imagine you might be confusing this with would be ...
Sapphira - meaning, quite obviously, sapphire
Shiphrah - "beautiful"
Susanna(h) - commonly sited as meaning "lily," but also "rose" (in modern Hebrew) and related to the Egyptian word for "lotus." A floral name, in other words. ;)
Zibiah - "roe; deer"
Zipporah - "bird"
Hope that helps!
Reply:Where is it mentioned in the Bible??
ITYF it's purely geographical
The girl's name Savannah \s(a)-vannah, sav(an)-nah\ is pronounced sa-VAN-ah. It is of Spanish origin, and its meaning is "treeless plain". Place name: the city of Savannah, Georgia.
n 2006, the name Savannah was ranked #30
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Treeless
Please, help: meaning of the names AZEDDINE and JAOUAD?
i dunno if this Arabic or not :)
but it seems Arabic to me
well azeddine = religion glory it's Islamic name
jaouad =generous
i hope this will help
Please, help: meaning of the names AZEDDINE and JAOUAD?
you welcome :) Report Abuse
tai chi
but it seems Arabic to me
well azeddine = religion glory it's Islamic name
jaouad =generous
i hope this will help
Please, help: meaning of the names AZEDDINE and JAOUAD?
you welcome :) Report Abuse
tai chi
What is the meaning of scientific name dascyllus melanurus?
where did it originate and what it means broken up.
What is the meaning of scientific name dascyllus melanurus?
The common name of Dascyllus melanurus is four-striped damsel, syn. black-taled dascyllus:
"Melanurus" means "black taled" and Dascyllus comes from the sea monster Scylla, which was said to have 12 feet, six necks and six mouths, with three rows of- teeth in each.
These attributes were the cause of the relevance of scyllus to ( killing ) sea anemones and the translation of Dascyllus means belonging to sea anemones.
The "literal translation" of Dascyllus melanurus means a black-taled fish living near a sea anemone.
What is the meaning of scientific name dascyllus melanurus?
The common name of Dascyllus melanurus is four-striped damsel, syn. black-taled dascyllus:
"Melanurus" means "black taled" and Dascyllus comes from the sea monster Scylla, which was said to have 12 feet, six necks and six mouths, with three rows of- teeth in each.
These attributes were the cause of the relevance of scyllus to ( killing ) sea anemones and the translation of Dascyllus means belonging to sea anemones.
The "literal translation" of Dascyllus melanurus means a black-taled fish living near a sea anemone.
Anyone know the meaning of the name poppet for a child?
I have a feeling this is an English thing. But I have heard this word used as an endearing term for a child. I want to know the origin and the meaning. Thanks.
Anyone know the meaning of the name poppet for a child?
it is english, old english, a poppet was a doll or something treasured by a child.
now you would call a child a poppet if you wanted to use an endearment in the same way as you would call somone love or sweetie etc etc
there was also the sweets they were a kind of chocolate with nuts i think in the middle. but i would call any small child a poppet
Reply:According to my dictionary the name 'poppet' is a term of endearment for a small or dainty person.
Reply:It means doll or puppet, something little.
Reply:in old English witchcraft, a poppet is a doll that is used to bind spells on a person for both good and bad. a bit like a voodoo doll i guess.
Reply:In folk-magic and witchcraft, a poppet is a doll made to represent a person, for casting healing, fertility, or binding spells on that person. These dolls may be fashioned from such materials as a carved root, grain or corn shafts, a fruit, paper, wax, a potato, clay, branches, or cloth stuffed with herbs. The intention is that whatever actions are performed upon the effigy will be transferred to the subject. This use of poppets is known as "image magic". They are also known as Poppits and Pippies.
Reply:Poppet is an older name for puppet. It was used as a term to describe a small child or doll.
It has carried though to today in England, especially in country areas.
In the old arts it also meant a doll that was used to cast spells, a little like a voodoo doll in Africa and parts of the Caribbean
Reply:a poppet in times gone buy was a small sweet, a small child is sweet so was called poppet (Payne's poppets were sold on railway stations in machines in England)
Reply:I heard it used on the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire.
I don't know the meaning, sorry.
Anyone know the meaning of the name poppet for a child?
it is english, old english, a poppet was a doll or something treasured by a child.
now you would call a child a poppet if you wanted to use an endearment in the same way as you would call somone love or sweetie etc etc
there was also the sweets they were a kind of chocolate with nuts i think in the middle. but i would call any small child a poppet
Reply:According to my dictionary the name 'poppet' is a term of endearment for a small or dainty person.
Reply:It means doll or puppet, something little.
Reply:in old English witchcraft, a poppet is a doll that is used to bind spells on a person for both good and bad. a bit like a voodoo doll i guess.
Reply:In folk-magic and witchcraft, a poppet is a doll made to represent a person, for casting healing, fertility, or binding spells on that person. These dolls may be fashioned from such materials as a carved root, grain or corn shafts, a fruit, paper, wax, a potato, clay, branches, or cloth stuffed with herbs. The intention is that whatever actions are performed upon the effigy will be transferred to the subject. This use of poppets is known as "image magic". They are also known as Poppits and Pippies.
Reply:Poppet is an older name for puppet. It was used as a term to describe a small child or doll.
It has carried though to today in England, especially in country areas.
In the old arts it also meant a doll that was used to cast spells, a little like a voodoo doll in Africa and parts of the Caribbean
Reply:a poppet in times gone buy was a small sweet, a small child is sweet so was called poppet (Payne's poppets were sold on railway stations in machines in England)
Reply:I heard it used on the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire.
I don't know the meaning, sorry.
What is best arbic websites for meaning of arbic names?
There are many sites that give you different selections.
Here is a quick list the best ones I could find:
Here is a quick list the best ones I could find:
Can you tell me the meaning of my daughters names KAYLA and TILLY?
KAYLA (Female - Celtic/Gaelic) Means pure and beloved
TILLY, derived from MATILDA (Female - German) Means Might, Power
Can you tell me the meaning of my daughters names KAYLA and TILLY?
kayla- alteration of Kayley. Kayley means: From an Irish surname which was derived from 脫 Caolaidhe meaning "descendent of Caoladhe". The given name Caoladhe derives from the Gaelic word caol "slender".
tilly-short form of matilda. matilda- Means "strength in battle" from Germanic maht "might, strength" and hild "battle". This was the name of the wife of William the Conqueror.
Reply:go to baby names and look it up
Reply:Go to www.babynames.com and you'll get to know!
Reply:Kayla: from Kayley: From an Irish surname which was derived from 脫 Caolaidhe meaning "descendent of Caoladhe". The given name Caoladhe derives from the Gaelic word caol "slender".
Tilly: from Matilda: Means "strength in battle" from Germanic maht "might, strength" and hild "battle". This was the name of the wife of William the Conqueror.
Reply:kayla - origin greek meaning pure
TILLY, derived from MATILDA (Female - German) Means Might, Power
Can you tell me the meaning of my daughters names KAYLA and TILLY?
kayla- alteration of Kayley. Kayley means: From an Irish surname which was derived from 脫 Caolaidhe meaning "descendent of Caoladhe". The given name Caoladhe derives from the Gaelic word caol "slender".
tilly-short form of matilda. matilda- Means "strength in battle" from Germanic maht "might, strength" and hild "battle". This was the name of the wife of William the Conqueror.
Reply:go to baby names and look it up
Reply:Go to www.babynames.com and you'll get to know!
Reply:Kayla: from Kayley: From an Irish surname which was derived from 脫 Caolaidhe meaning "descendent of Caoladhe". The given name Caoladhe derives from the Gaelic word caol "slender".
Tilly: from Matilda: Means "strength in battle" from Germanic maht "might, strength" and hild "battle". This was the name of the wife of William the Conqueror.
Reply:kayla - origin greek meaning pure
What is the meaning of "MS" in front of ship names?
I think you mean HMS on British ships. It means Her Majesty's Ship
What is the meaning of "MS" in front of ship names?
It is actually HMS and it stands for Her Majesty's Ship.Usually for ships in the British navy
Reply:Motor Ship.
Reply:It means motor ship. For other ship prefixes, see the link to wikipedia below.
Reply:MS - Maritime Services
Reply:Motor ship.
Reply:majesty service
Reply:marine ship... maritime ship...sometimes i do also see MV which stands for marine vessel... maritime vessel
Reply:I think you mean HMS... in which case it means "Her Majesty's Ship"
MS on it's own means "Motor Ship"
Hope that helps..
What is the meaning of "MS" in front of ship names?
It is actually HMS and it stands for Her Majesty's Ship.Usually for ships in the British navy
Reply:Motor Ship.
Reply:It means motor ship. For other ship prefixes, see the link to wikipedia below.
Reply:MS - Maritime Services
Reply:Motor ship.
Reply:majesty service
Reply:marine ship... maritime ship...sometimes i do also see MV which stands for marine vessel... maritime vessel
Reply:I think you mean HMS... in which case it means "Her Majesty's Ship"
MS on it's own means "Motor Ship"
Hope that helps..
What is the origin and the meaning of the name Richeza?
Please someone find out for me, I have been unable to do so.
What is the origin and the meaning of the name Richeza?
Richeza means "richness", have not seen the name around. Portuguese - "riqueza", wealth, richness.
Reply:I get 1500+ hits in Google for the name, many of them women who lived in Poland 1,000 years ago. Doesn't give the origin, though, and it is a given name, not a surname.
What is the origin and the meaning of the name Richeza?
Richeza means "richness", have not seen the name around. Portuguese - "riqueza", wealth, richness.
Reply:I get 1500+ hits in Google for the name, many of them women who lived in Poland 1,000 years ago. Doesn't give the origin, though, and it is a given name, not a surname.
What is the origin and meaning of the name Kadour?
If possible could you include a source.
What is the origin and meaning of the name Kadour?
The origin of Kadour is French. However, no meaning is available for this male name.
What is the origin and meaning of the name Kadour?
The origin of Kadour is French. However, no meaning is available for this male name.
What is the origin and the meaning of the name Richeza?
Please someone find out for me, I have been unable to do so.
What is the origin and the meaning of the name Richeza?
Richeza means "richness", have not seen the name around. Portuguese - "riqueza", wealth, richness.
Reply:I get 1500+ hits in Google for the name, many of them women who lived in Poland 1,000 years ago. Doesn't give the origin, though, and it is a given name, not a surname.
What is the origin and the meaning of the name Richeza?
Richeza means "richness", have not seen the name around. Portuguese - "riqueza", wealth, richness.
Reply:I get 1500+ hits in Google for the name, many of them women who lived in Poland 1,000 years ago. Doesn't give the origin, though, and it is a given name, not a surname.
What is the origin and meaning of the name Kadour?
If possible could you include a source.
What is the origin and meaning of the name Kadour?
The origin of Kadour is French. However, no meaning is available for this male name.
What is the origin and meaning of the name Kadour?
The origin of Kadour is French. However, no meaning is available for this male name.
Where can i find the meaning of the names from the show ?
i nkow this itachi means weasle and that sakura means cherry blossem
Where can i find the meaning of the names from the show ?
What show???
Where can i find the meaning of the names from the show ?
What show???
Whats the meaning of the name nick in russian?
My name is Nick translated from russian. Not nick from any other language. Okay thanks.
Whats the meaning of the name nick in russian?
I'm not sure what you are asking exactly. But here is my answer:
In Russian your name would be Nikolay, spelled: 袧懈泻芯谢邪泄.
It doesn't matter if your name is translated from another language. All "Nicks" have the same meaning no matter what language the name Nick is said in.
Nicholas is derived from the Greek 螡喂魏蠈位伪慰蟼, Nikolaos, a combination of the words for "victory" (nik膿) and "people" (laos). The name can be understood to mean victory of the people although some say it means "power of the people".
There were two Russian tsars named Nick as well.
Hope this helps! :)
Whats the meaning of the name nick in russian?
I'm not sure what you are asking exactly. But here is my answer:
In Russian your name would be Nikolay, spelled: 袧懈泻芯谢邪泄.
It doesn't matter if your name is translated from another language. All "Nicks" have the same meaning no matter what language the name Nick is said in.
Nicholas is derived from the Greek 螡喂魏蠈位伪慰蟼, Nikolaos, a combination of the words for "victory" (nik膿) and "people" (laos). The name can be understood to mean victory of the people although some say it means "power of the people".
There were two Russian tsars named Nick as well.
Hope this helps! :)
What is the Islamic meaning of the name Maria?
Well I've seached a lot for the meaning of the name Maria but I couldnt find any. So can u plz tell me if u have any info abt this.
What is the Islamic meaning of the name Maria?
It is a variation of Mary or Mariam. This means 'wished- for child.'
Reply:hey rocky am muslim and our prophet mohamed married awoman called maria (elqebtia) and this means the egyption christian.
Reply:Means - bitter
Doesn't sound like such a good name now that I know what it means.
What is the Islamic meaning of the name Maria?
It is a variation of Mary or Mariam. This means 'wished- for child.'
Reply:hey rocky am muslim and our prophet mohamed married awoman called maria (elqebtia) and this means the egyption christian.
Reply:Means - bitter
Doesn't sound like such a good name now that I know what it means.
Meaning of hawaiian names?
I want to know what Keli stands for in Hawaiian?
Meaning of hawaiian names?
it doesn't translate into anything in hawaiian
Reply:Here's one definition:
[M膩maka Kaiao(Hwn to Eng)]
kik Cherry. Eng.
Or it might just be "Kelly" spelled with Hawaiian vowels and consonants.
If you're still not satisfied and want to go deeper, since the "ke" is an article meaning "the", "li" means:
1. nvi. Chills; to have chills; to tremble with cold; shuddery feeling of horror. Cf. hulil墨. L墨 ka 驶ili, l墨 ka 驶i驶o, to have goose flesh. Pi驶i ka l墨, to get chills.
2. nvt. Lace, as of shoes; to lace or tie. Cf. l墨 k膩liki, l墨 k膩ma驶a. E l墨 mai i ke k膩ma驶a o La驶a-kea, tie La驶a-kea's shoes.
3. nvt. To hang, gird; to furl or reef, as a sail. (PNP lii.)
4. n. Third note in musical scale, mi.
Meaning of hawaiian names?
it doesn't translate into anything in hawaiian
Reply:Here's one definition:
[M膩maka Kaiao(Hwn to Eng)]
kik Cherry. Eng.
Or it might just be "Kelly" spelled with Hawaiian vowels and consonants.
If you're still not satisfied and want to go deeper, since the "ke" is an article meaning "the", "li" means:
1. nvi. Chills; to have chills; to tremble with cold; shuddery feeling of horror. Cf. hulil墨. L墨 ka 驶ili, l墨 ka 驶i驶o, to have goose flesh. Pi驶i ka l墨, to get chills.
2. nvt. Lace, as of shoes; to lace or tie. Cf. l墨 k膩liki, l墨 k膩ma驶a. E l墨 mai i ke k膩ma驶a o La驶a-kea, tie La驶a-kea's shoes.
3. nvt. To hang, gird; to furl or reef, as a sail. (PNP lii.)
4. n. Third note in musical scale, mi.
What is the actual meaning of the name Altamash?
I have a son whose name is Altamash but we dont know the actual meaning of the name can u pls help?
What is the actual meaning of the name Altamash?
Altamash - Male - Name of a famous king.
Reply:Shams-ud-Din Iltutmish, or Altamash, (Persian: 卮賲爻 丕賱丿蹖賳 丕賱鬲鬲賲卮 ) was the third Sultan of Delhi and the third ruler of the Slave dynasty (d. 1236). I checked several name sites and a couple about Indian history, but i couldn't find the meaning of the name. Sorry.
Reply:Altamash - One of The Most Significant Kings of Slave Dynasty
Eight months after Aram Shah took the reins of Delhi his unhappy nobles requested Malik Shams-ud-din Altamash, Aibak鈥檚 son-in-law, to takeover. and thus was crowned one of the most important kings of the Slave dynasty. Altamash was a shrewd and intelligent man. He quickly realized that, if anything was to be saved of the Turkish possessions in India, he would have to strengthen the Sultanate and prevent the Turkish nobles from breaking away and carving out independent domains for themselves.
So, the first thing he did was to crush the highhanded Qutbi and Muizzi Maliks and the governors of Multan and Bengal. Then he turned to Yaldoz who was still a major threat. Not only did Altamash pulverize the forces of Yaldoz, he also had the man captured and sentenced to death. Next he turned his attention to the Rajputs, who were beginning to throw their weight about after the death of Aibak. The Chandellas had taken back Ajaigarh and Kalinjar, the Pratiharas had reoccupied Gwalior, Narwar and Jhansi, the Chauhans of Ranthambhore had won back Jodhpur, the Jalor Chauhans had moved in on large areas of south-western Rajasthan and the Jadon Bhattis had established their sovereignty with Alwar as their capital.
What is the actual meaning of the name Altamash?
Altamash - Male - Name of a famous king.
Reply:Shams-ud-Din Iltutmish, or Altamash, (Persian: 卮賲爻 丕賱丿蹖賳 丕賱鬲鬲賲卮 ) was the third Sultan of Delhi and the third ruler of the Slave dynasty (d. 1236). I checked several name sites and a couple about Indian history, but i couldn't find the meaning of the name. Sorry.
Reply:Altamash - One of The Most Significant Kings of Slave Dynasty
Eight months after Aram Shah took the reins of Delhi his unhappy nobles requested Malik Shams-ud-din Altamash, Aibak鈥檚 son-in-law, to takeover. and thus was crowned one of the most important kings of the Slave dynasty. Altamash was a shrewd and intelligent man. He quickly realized that, if anything was to be saved of the Turkish possessions in India, he would have to strengthen the Sultanate and prevent the Turkish nobles from breaking away and carving out independent domains for themselves.
So, the first thing he did was to crush the highhanded Qutbi and Muizzi Maliks and the governors of Multan and Bengal. Then he turned to Yaldoz who was still a major threat. Not only did Altamash pulverize the forces of Yaldoz, he also had the man captured and sentenced to death. Next he turned his attention to the Rajputs, who were beginning to throw their weight about after the death of Aibak. The Chandellas had taken back Ajaigarh and Kalinjar, the Pratiharas had reoccupied Gwalior, Narwar and Jhansi, the Chauhans of Ranthambhore had won back Jodhpur, the Jalor Chauhans had moved in on large areas of south-western Rajasthan and the Jadon Bhattis had established their sovereignty with Alwar as their capital.
How can I find the full meaning of my name?
I'm doing a project for my art class and I need to find the meaning of my name! Alexis and I know it means defender, protector but I want the full meaning like the ones you get framed to put in your room and you see it has more meaning and discription.
Anyone know any sites like that?
How can I find the full meaning of my name?
first u type in ur last name, then it brings u to the next page where u can type in ur first
that's the best site i know of. it gives u random facts about the origins and immigration stuff below.
Reply:Try these ones:
Reply:Try these:
Reply:go to babynames.com and type ur name in
or go to dictionary.com and type it in
answer my question???plz
Reply:search a book about names we have some at school(weird)
What is a website where i can find the meaning of my name?
I really want to know what my name means in other origins.
What is a website where i can find the meaning of my name?
Oh well someone already said this but I will say it again.
Reply:Go to www.babynamesworld.com and do a meaning search on your name.
What is a website where i can find the meaning of my name?
Oh well someone already said this but I will say it again.
Reply:Go to www.babynamesworld.com and do a meaning search on your name.
What is the origin or the meaning of the name Yorleni?
I usually find the meanings of names but every time I try to find this one I come up with a bunch of Japanese animation.
What is the origin or the meaning of the name Yorleni?
thats hard
What is the origin or the meaning of the name Yorleni?
thats hard
Does anyone have any info on the meaning of the last names of Quiroz and Barojas?
kung fu hustle
kung fu hustle
What is the meaning of the name Cattleya?
I've looked on every website I could think of and I even tried googling this name. I've heard the name used before so I know it's a real name. I think it sounds really pretty and want to use it in my story, but I want to know what it means first, or it origin or something.
So does anyone know what the name Cattleya means?
What is the meaning of the name Cattleya?
Its the name of a flower... like being called Rose or Lily...
Any of various tropical American, mostly epiphytic orchids of the genus Cattleya, much hybridized and extensively cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers.
Reply:The girl's name Kathaleya \k(a)-thale-ya, kath(a)-leya\ is a variant of Kathleen.
The baby name Kathaleya sounds like Katla and Katelle. Other similar baby names are Kathaleyna, Kathleyn, Kathlena and Kathaleen.
Kathaleya is a very rare female first name and a very rare surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).
Katherine =
Usage: English
Pronounced: KATH-u-rin, KATH-rin [key]
From the Greek name Αικατερινη (Aikaterine). The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name ‘Εκατερινη (Hekaterine), which came from ‘εκατερος (hekateros) "each of the two"; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek αικια (aikia) "torture"; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning "my consecration of your name". The Romans associated it with Greek καθαρος (katharos) "pure" and changed their spelling from Katerina to Katharina to reflect this.
The name belonged to a 4th-century saint and martyr from Alexandria who was tortured on the famous Catherine wheel. Another saint by this name was Catherine of Siena, a 14th-century mystic. This name was also borne by two empresses of Russia, including Catherine the Great, and by three of Henry VIII's wives."
Or, Cattleya could be a combination of two names:
Catt = (from Catherine) pure (of Greek origin)
Leya = weary (of Hebrew origin) or ruler (of Assyrian origin)
Reply:Naming characters is always an interesting issue and more important than some people realize. Cattelya is the genus name for a group of Central and South American orchids. As to meaning, it doesn't have much since it is a latinized form of a person's surname. The genus was named that to honor a British patron of botony near the end of his career. His name was William Cattley This would be a unique name for a character, as far as I know and could be used to reveal something about a really "showy" character (All the orchids in this genus are supposed to be really fancy) or to contrast with a character whose attributes are opposite to the idea. Good Luck with the story.
So does anyone know what the name Cattleya means?
What is the meaning of the name Cattleya?
Its the name of a flower... like being called Rose or Lily...
Any of various tropical American, mostly epiphytic orchids of the genus Cattleya, much hybridized and extensively cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers.
Reply:The girl's name Kathaleya \k(a)-thale-ya, kath(a)-leya\ is a variant of Kathleen.
The baby name Kathaleya sounds like Katla and Katelle. Other similar baby names are Kathaleyna, Kathleyn, Kathlena and Kathaleen.
Kathaleya is a very rare female first name and a very rare surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).
Katherine =
Usage: English
Pronounced: KATH-u-rin, KATH-rin [key]
From the Greek name Αικατερινη (Aikaterine). The etymology is debated: it could derive from the earlier Greek name ‘Εκατερινη (Hekaterine), which came from ‘εκατερος (hekateros) "each of the two"; it could derive from the name of the goddess HECATE; it could be related to Greek αικια (aikia) "torture"; or it could be from a Coptic name meaning "my consecration of your name". The Romans associated it with Greek καθαρος (katharos) "pure" and changed their spelling from Katerina to Katharina to reflect this.
The name belonged to a 4th-century saint and martyr from Alexandria who was tortured on the famous Catherine wheel. Another saint by this name was Catherine of Siena, a 14th-century mystic. This name was also borne by two empresses of Russia, including Catherine the Great, and by three of Henry VIII's wives."
Or, Cattleya could be a combination of two names:
Catt = (from Catherine) pure (of Greek origin)
Leya = weary (of Hebrew origin) or ruler (of Assyrian origin)
Reply:Naming characters is always an interesting issue and more important than some people realize. Cattelya is the genus name for a group of Central and South American orchids. As to meaning, it doesn't have much since it is a latinized form of a person's surname. The genus was named that to honor a British patron of botony near the end of his career. His name was William Cattley This would be a unique name for a character, as far as I know and could be used to reveal something about a really "showy" character (All the orchids in this genus are supposed to be really fancy) or to contrast with a character whose attributes are opposite to the idea. Good Luck with the story.
What is the meaning of the name Mia or Meeya?
My name is Meeya and is pronounced the same way as Mia. Do you know what the mean of Meeya or Mia is. Any language is fine. Please help.
What is the meaning of the name Mia or Meeya?
Meaning: wanted one
(also a derivative of Mia which is a derivative of Maria so I'm sure those name definitions would fall into play as well)
Reply:Mia- uncertain or bitter (Hebrew)
It can also be short for Maria or Amelia
Maria- Bitter
Amelia- work, effort, or strain (Hebrew)
Sorry, I couldn't find anything about Meeya.
Reply:Here's an article that will tell you all about the name Mia, including meaning, origin, popularity, etc. http://wiki.name.com/en/Mia
What is the meaning of the name Mia or Meeya?
Meaning: wanted one
(also a derivative of Mia which is a derivative of Maria so I'm sure those name definitions would fall into play as well)
Reply:Mia- uncertain or bitter (Hebrew)
It can also be short for Maria or Amelia
Maria- Bitter
Amelia- work, effort, or strain (Hebrew)
Sorry, I couldn't find anything about Meeya.
Reply:Here's an article that will tell you all about the name Mia, including meaning, origin, popularity, etc. http://wiki.name.com/en/Mia
What is the meaning of the name Przemyslaw in Czech?
I looked around and I can't seem to find the correct answer.
What is the meaning of the name Przemyslaw in Czech?
Przemys艂aw ( pron. IPA: [p蕚蓻藞m扫swaf] ) is a Polish given name, meaning someone who is clever or ingenious. It is derived from another Polish name Przemys艂, cognate to Czech P艡emysl. Its diminutive forms include Przemek and Przemcio.
What is the meaning of the name Przemyslaw in Czech?
Przemys艂aw ( pron. IPA: [p蕚蓻藞m扫swaf] ) is a Polish given name, meaning someone who is clever or ingenious. It is derived from another Polish name Przemys艂, cognate to Czech P艡emysl. Its diminutive forms include Przemek and Przemcio.
What is the meaning of the name Hara Gopal?
I would like to find the significance of the name Hara Gopal. So please do let me know if you have one.
What is the meaning of the name Hara Gopal?
THERE was a goldsmith who kept a jewellery shop. He looked like a great devotee with beads round his neck, rosary in his hand, and customary holy marks on his forehead. Naturally people trusted him and came to his shop on business. They thought that, being such a pious man, he would never cheat them. Whenever a party of customers entered the shop, they would hear one of his craftsmen say, "Kesava! Kesava!'
Another would say after a while, "Gopal! Gopal!'
Then a third would mutter, "Hari! Hari!'
Finally someone would say, "Hara! Hara!'
Now these are different names of God. Hearing so much chanting of God's names the customers naturally thought that this goldsmith must be a very superior person.
Reply:While you're here, have you a genealogy question we may try to help with?
Reply:Have a look at the link posted below, is Hara a christian name I couldn't find anything about that one sorry.
hope this helps.
kung fu classes
What is the meaning of the name Hara Gopal?
THERE was a goldsmith who kept a jewellery shop. He looked like a great devotee with beads round his neck, rosary in his hand, and customary holy marks on his forehead. Naturally people trusted him and came to his shop on business. They thought that, being such a pious man, he would never cheat them. Whenever a party of customers entered the shop, they would hear one of his craftsmen say, "Kesava! Kesava!'
Another would say after a while, "Gopal! Gopal!'
Then a third would mutter, "Hari! Hari!'
Finally someone would say, "Hara! Hara!'
Now these are different names of God. Hearing so much chanting of God's names the customers naturally thought that this goldsmith must be a very superior person.
Reply:While you're here, have you a genealogy question we may try to help with?
Reply:Have a look at the link posted below, is Hara a christian name I couldn't find anything about that one sorry.
hope this helps.
kung fu classes
What is the meaning of the following christaian names?
Rohith, Roshan, Rego, Remo, Roffino
What is the meaning of the following christaian names?
Rohith: could be a derivation of Rohit, a Hindi (from Sanskrit) name meaning "red."
Roshan: Iranian/Indian name derived from Persian meaning "bright light."
Rego:unable to find
Remo: from Italian (Remus) or English (Remington), unable to find meaning.
Roffino: derivation of Rufino (Rufus) meaning "red hair" in Latin.
Here's one link that might be helpful. Otherwise, if you type "meanings of names" in your search engine, you'll find many links. Good luck.
Reply:searching for 'baby names' in Google will give you pages with meanings for names.
What is the meaning of the following christaian names?
Rohith: could be a derivation of Rohit, a Hindi (from Sanskrit) name meaning "red."
Roshan: Iranian/Indian name derived from Persian meaning "bright light."
Rego:unable to find
Remo: from Italian (Remus) or English (Remington), unable to find meaning.
Roffino: derivation of Rufino (Rufus) meaning "red hair" in Latin.
Here's one link that might be helpful. Otherwise, if you type "meanings of names" in your search engine, you'll find many links. Good luck.
Reply:searching for 'baby names' in Google will give you pages with meanings for names.
What is the meaning of following names: Zeva and Filza :?
Zeva sword Greek Girl
What is the meaning of following names: Zeva and Filza :?
I feel very sorry for zeva and filza those are crappy names
Reply:Zeva Means Cute
Filza means PInk
What is the meaning of following names: Zeva and Filza :?
I feel very sorry for zeva and filza those are crappy names
Reply:Zeva Means Cute
Filza means PInk
I want to find the meaning of a name, i was told almost everyones name means something?
I am looking for the meaning of my familys first name .I appreciate all the help i can get.I am looking for first name basis only.
I want to find the meaning of a name, i was told almost everyones name means something?
i just checked it out... it seems very thorough... i hope this helps...
Reply:well gurl look on the internet at maybe www.babynames.com its worth a try
Reply:Have you tried looking in a name book? You can usually find these at the bookstore. Or try going to the mall and finding one of those vendors that make pretty printed items using names. What is the name, anyway? I have several baby name books maybe I can look it up for you.
Reply:There are many books on this. Go to Amazon.com
Reply:yeah check babynames
Reply:I may be of not much help but the true meaning of your family comes from within yourself and your family members....the way you show yourself to others.Names are just a way to address different people...for example take Adolf Hitler - The first thing that comes to mind would be bad.While at the same time take Mahatma Gandhi - Isn't that the complete opposite????Well I feel that's about the only way of finding the meaning of your name.
However there are also certain people(something like gypsies that flock most chat rooms)whom you could tell your name to and ask them it's meanings:)
Reply:if u tell your name we will help u to find the meaning
Reply:Why not mention the name so we can help you?
Or just type it into google?
I want to find the meaning of a name, i was told almost everyones name means something?
i just checked it out... it seems very thorough... i hope this helps...
Reply:well gurl look on the internet at maybe www.babynames.com its worth a try
Reply:Have you tried looking in a name book? You can usually find these at the bookstore. Or try going to the mall and finding one of those vendors that make pretty printed items using names. What is the name, anyway? I have several baby name books maybe I can look it up for you.
Reply:There are many books on this. Go to Amazon.com
Reply:yeah check babynames
Reply:I may be of not much help but the true meaning of your family comes from within yourself and your family members....the way you show yourself to others.Names are just a way to address different people...for example take Adolf Hitler - The first thing that comes to mind would be bad.While at the same time take Mahatma Gandhi - Isn't that the complete opposite????Well I feel that's about the only way of finding the meaning of your name.
However there are also certain people(something like gypsies that flock most chat rooms)whom you could tell your name to and ask them it's meanings:)
Reply:if u tell your name we will help u to find the meaning
Reply:Why not mention the name so we can help you?
Or just type it into google?
What do you think about the meaning of these 2 names put together...?
Regina Melissa
Regina means Queen
Melissa means Bee
so together Queen Bee.
What do you think about the meaning of these 2 names put together...?
My best friend growing up was named Melissa. She was so sweet! I love the name, have actually thought about using the name myself.
I like Regina too, its different and not OUT THERE!
Good luck!!
Reply:I really like it!
Reply:very cute :)
Reply:It is okay but I woudn't use it.
Reply:I like it.
Reply:Regina just sounds too much like Vagina
Reply:ya that is really cute it sounds pretty good together too!
Reply:The meaning is cute... I like the meaning... But the actual names together sounds awful.... In my opinion...
Reply:Thats great!!
Reply:I think its cute...
Reply:Queen Bee, cute!
Although, Regina Melissa together doesn't sound all that cute... :-(
Try Melissa Regina... Bee Queen.... same meaning... simply reversed!
Reply:oo like regina on mean girls!! i dont like it though
Reply:i like melissa...very cute name
but not regina
im from europe and there its kind of an old name...dont know any kid with that name.....just old people
Reply:hideous, very choppy, doesn't flow.
Reply:i love the name it remind me of my favorite rapper..... little Kim
QUEEN BEE baby yeah
Reply:Yes, I like Regina Melissa. Good Choice.
Reply:I like both names because they're real names and you spelled them correctly. Bless you!
martial arts
Regina means Queen
Melissa means Bee
so together Queen Bee.
What do you think about the meaning of these 2 names put together...?
My best friend growing up was named Melissa. She was so sweet! I love the name, have actually thought about using the name myself.
I like Regina too, its different and not OUT THERE!
Good luck!!
Reply:I really like it!
Reply:very cute :)
Reply:It is okay but I woudn't use it.
Reply:I like it.
Reply:Regina just sounds too much like Vagina
Reply:ya that is really cute it sounds pretty good together too!
Reply:The meaning is cute... I like the meaning... But the actual names together sounds awful.... In my opinion...
Reply:Thats great!!
Reply:I think its cute...
Reply:Queen Bee, cute!
Although, Regina Melissa together doesn't sound all that cute... :-(
Try Melissa Regina... Bee Queen.... same meaning... simply reversed!
Reply:oo like regina on mean girls!! i dont like it though
Reply:i like melissa...very cute name
but not regina
im from europe and there its kind of an old name...dont know any kid with that name.....just old people
Reply:hideous, very choppy, doesn't flow.
Reply:i love the name it remind me of my favorite rapper..... little Kim
QUEEN BEE baby yeah
Reply:Yes, I like Regina Melissa. Good Choice.
Reply:I like both names because they're real names and you spelled them correctly. Bless you!
martial arts
What is the meaning of the name Preetha or Pritha and what is its origin ?
My name is Preetha and this name seems to come from Sanskrit, but I am not sure about it. Many people have told me many meanings like "it comes from the word "preet" which means love", but I am still not able to find a convincing meaning of my name. Can anyone please help.
What is the meaning of the name Preetha or Pritha and what is its origin ?
It means "the palm of the hand" in Sanskrit. In Hindu legend this is another name of Kunti.
Reply:Gender: Girl
Origin: Indian
Meaning: Lover of king pandu
Indian names:
Preet - Love
Preetha - happy
Reply:Preetha in Sanskrit means glad or pleased one.
Reply:I sure like the sound of Preetha much more than Kunti!
What is the meaning of the name Preetha or Pritha and what is its origin ?
It means "the palm of the hand" in Sanskrit. In Hindu legend this is another name of Kunti.
Reply:Gender: Girl
Origin: Indian
Meaning: Lover of king pandu
Indian names:
Preet - Love
Preetha - happy
Reply:Preetha in Sanskrit means glad or pleased one.
Reply:I sure like the sound of Preetha much more than Kunti!
Does anyone know the name meaning of Nessarose?
I don't know if it has one or not but any help is appreciated.
Does anyone know the name meaning of Nessarose?
Isn't that the made up name of Elphaba's sister? Try asking Gregory Maguire how he came up with it.
Reply:It's the name of a fictional witch. Follow the links that follow for more.
Reply:Hmmm. I remember it only from Wicked. :P
I'll try to do a little research on it, now I'm a little curious.
Like others said, I can really only find Vanessa and Rose...
Reply:Lol its from the play Wicked. Its the name of the Wicked Witches daugher. Its pretty but maybe use Vanessa Rose instead.
Reply:It's a combination of Vanessa: butterfly and Rose: flower
Reply:Love it! It's from Wicked.
Reply:I haven't seen one
But I've seen that as a nickname for Vanessa Rose
Reply:Nessa= miracle
Rose= flower or fame
Reply:Is that an actual name?
Reply:dont name ur kid that... PLZz
Does anyone know the name meaning of Nessarose?
Isn't that the made up name of Elphaba's sister? Try asking Gregory Maguire how he came up with it.
Reply:It's the name of a fictional witch. Follow the links that follow for more.
Reply:Hmmm. I remember it only from Wicked. :P
I'll try to do a little research on it, now I'm a little curious.
Like others said, I can really only find Vanessa and Rose...
Reply:Lol its from the play Wicked. Its the name of the Wicked Witches daugher. Its pretty but maybe use Vanessa Rose instead.
Reply:It's a combination of Vanessa: butterfly and Rose: flower
Reply:Love it! It's from Wicked.
Reply:I haven't seen one
But I've seen that as a nickname for Vanessa Rose
Reply:Nessa= miracle
Rose= flower or fame
Reply:Is that an actual name?
Reply:dont name ur kid that... PLZz
What does the meaning of the name Jenna but pronounced Gina?
I really need to know.It is my name and I feel it has a special purpose.So does anyone know?Thankx.
What does the meaning of the name Jenna but pronounced Gina?
hmmm dunno... but i knew a Gina once shes a ******
What does the meaning of the name Jenna but pronounced Gina?
hmmm dunno... but i knew a Gina once shes a ******
How important is the meaning of a name for you?
The meaning of names seem to be very important for people on YahooAnswers. Just wondering how important it is for you?
Personally, I have never looked up my name or my son's name. I pick names based on the sound alone. If I like a name, I go with it regardless of the meaning.
How important is the meaning of a name for you?
Some people are big on meanings, but I am with you, I am not at all! There are some names that I really like, but their meanings are less than perfect: Blaise "Stutterer", Claudia "Lame", Mallory "Bad." But, it wouldn't prevent me from using these names. For the most part, people don't even care or ever know what their names mean. A common everyday person would not know that stuff. Unless, they were a baby name fanatic.
Reply:Unless you have a reason to look for ancientor hidden
meanings, go with sound.
In this country, where the individual is less and less respected, the thing that matters is anyone's nickname.
That's how he'll be called by most people anyhow.
As long ago as 1941, my Mother, lacking in imagination as she was, refused to name me Michael--her favorite name--becaue she figured I would be called "Mike" or "Mickey"
She was right. I would have.
At least with Robert Michael (noble, wise warrior) I get to pock from a half a dozen monickers.
Bob, Bobby, Rob, Robbo, Roberto, Mike...
Sound matters; meaning does only if you want it to matter.
Reply:It really doesn't mean that much to me..I named my kids there names before finding out the meanings of them..But they all have pretty good meanings..But, I don't think that many people really do..I mean look at my name..Ashley means "Ash Tree" which is a really stupid meaning. But alot of people are still named it..So anyways No meaning isn't that important to us..
Reply:The meaning of a name has low importance to me. It's just an added bonus if the name I like has a cool meaning.
Reply:I couldn't tell you the meanings of either of my kids' names. I remember telling a stranger my son's name one time (Michael) and they spouted off the meaning, but it went in one ear and out the other.
Reply:The meaning of a name is very important to me. I need to have it mean something I like or else it's just picking a name, may as well throw a few in a hat and pull one... I was named by just picking what sounded nice and I would rather have a name that meant something to my parents that could mean something to me in the future. I'm going to do this for my child.
Reply:Meaning is very important ,as well as how it flows with my surname,but i go with on whether its pleasing to my ears not on if its trendy or definitely not if its something the general population has used over and over again
Reply:I choose names based ib how they sounded first but, I did consider the meanings as well.
Reply:my kids' names are combinations of family names. i also happen to like the way they sound. i can't see any problem whatsoever with giving children meaningful names or just names you like. i have no issues at all about what other people name their children.
Reply:I dont give a rats *** what a name means. I named both my kids because I liked the names not for what they ment.
Reply:For me, the meaning of a name was always simply a means of narrowing down names. Like if I liked 3 names but one had a great meaning, I would go with that one. Meaning isn't too important if you absolutely love a name though. I always thought it could be cute to name a child something that means something if they had a particular hardship...either with birth or being adopted or something. So I guess if it was really symbolic or something it could be neat.
Reply:Honestly name meaning does nothing for me! I named my kids their names for their personal uniquness. I also put family names together, or family suggestions together to name them. I don't think there is a meaning for my youngest daughter's name... LOL My oldest there probably is, but it wasn't too popular when I named her it... now it's quite the trend! Anyways.. that's my 2 cents LOL
Reply:I am a bit sad and i always look up the meanings. There are certain names i like and then the meaning puts me off....eg Caleb=dog, Georgia= farmer's daughter....
I actually like names with religious meanings.
Reply:The meaning is very important to me. I mean if I had a baby who had black skin (which I might) I would name her Kiara or Ebony. Kiara means Small and dark and Ebony means Brave and Black skinned. The meaning is everything to me.
Reply:I like to know that the names have a good meaning, but I go more for the names I like the sound of rather than the meaning...
kung fu movies
Personally, I have never looked up my name or my son's name. I pick names based on the sound alone. If I like a name, I go with it regardless of the meaning.
How important is the meaning of a name for you?
Some people are big on meanings, but I am with you, I am not at all! There are some names that I really like, but their meanings are less than perfect: Blaise "Stutterer", Claudia "Lame", Mallory "Bad." But, it wouldn't prevent me from using these names. For the most part, people don't even care or ever know what their names mean. A common everyday person would not know that stuff. Unless, they were a baby name fanatic.
Reply:Unless you have a reason to look for ancientor hidden
meanings, go with sound.
In this country, where the individual is less and less respected, the thing that matters is anyone's nickname.
That's how he'll be called by most people anyhow.
As long ago as 1941, my Mother, lacking in imagination as she was, refused to name me Michael--her favorite name--becaue she figured I would be called "Mike" or "Mickey"
She was right. I would have.
At least with Robert Michael (noble, wise warrior) I get to pock from a half a dozen monickers.
Bob, Bobby, Rob, Robbo, Roberto, Mike...
Sound matters; meaning does only if you want it to matter.
Reply:It really doesn't mean that much to me..I named my kids there names before finding out the meanings of them..But they all have pretty good meanings..But, I don't think that many people really do..I mean look at my name..Ashley means "Ash Tree" which is a really stupid meaning. But alot of people are still named it..So anyways No meaning isn't that important to us..
Reply:The meaning of a name has low importance to me. It's just an added bonus if the name I like has a cool meaning.
Reply:I couldn't tell you the meanings of either of my kids' names. I remember telling a stranger my son's name one time (Michael) and they spouted off the meaning, but it went in one ear and out the other.
Reply:The meaning of a name is very important to me. I need to have it mean something I like or else it's just picking a name, may as well throw a few in a hat and pull one... I was named by just picking what sounded nice and I would rather have a name that meant something to my parents that could mean something to me in the future. I'm going to do this for my child.
Reply:Meaning is very important ,as well as how it flows with my surname,but i go with on whether its pleasing to my ears not on if its trendy or definitely not if its something the general population has used over and over again
Reply:I choose names based ib how they sounded first but, I did consider the meanings as well.
Reply:my kids' names are combinations of family names. i also happen to like the way they sound. i can't see any problem whatsoever with giving children meaningful names or just names you like. i have no issues at all about what other people name their children.
Reply:I dont give a rats *** what a name means. I named both my kids because I liked the names not for what they ment.
Reply:For me, the meaning of a name was always simply a means of narrowing down names. Like if I liked 3 names but one had a great meaning, I would go with that one. Meaning isn't too important if you absolutely love a name though. I always thought it could be cute to name a child something that means something if they had a particular hardship...either with birth or being adopted or something. So I guess if it was really symbolic or something it could be neat.
Reply:Honestly name meaning does nothing for me! I named my kids their names for their personal uniquness. I also put family names together, or family suggestions together to name them. I don't think there is a meaning for my youngest daughter's name... LOL My oldest there probably is, but it wasn't too popular when I named her it... now it's quite the trend! Anyways.. that's my 2 cents LOL
Reply:I am a bit sad and i always look up the meanings. There are certain names i like and then the meaning puts me off....eg Caleb=dog, Georgia= farmer's daughter....
I actually like names with religious meanings.
Reply:The meaning is very important to me. I mean if I had a baby who had black skin (which I might) I would name her Kiara or Ebony. Kiara means Small and dark and Ebony means Brave and Black skinned. The meaning is everything to me.
Reply:I like to know that the names have a good meaning, but I go more for the names I like the sound of rather than the meaning...
kung fu movies
Would the meaning of the name put you off of naming your baby?
For example, I really liked the name Mallory. It's a pretty name but it means unlucky.
Would the meaning of the name put you off of naming your baby?
"The meaning of baby names can be a major reason for parents to select a specific name for their baby. It is often a belief that the meaning of a name can instill certain characteristics or attributes that is the deciding factor in a baby鈥檚 name..."
Mallory is a calm and soothing name. You evidently found the French meaning of the name. However, the German meaning of the name means "army counselor". That is a name that speaks of wisdom and strength.
"Army" implies strength and power, which can be a good thing for a girl in this day and age.
"Counselor" implies wisdom and intelligence. What more could you ask for your daughter?
Naming a child is a big responsibility and not something to be taken lightly. We've all known kids in school who were teased for their name or even the meaning of their initials.
But when it comes down to it, you have to name your child something that you like. After all, it's pretty much guaranteed you will be whispering, singing, crying and yelling that name quite a bit over the next 18 years. So it better be something that you can say easily and like the sound of when you say it.
Congratulations and don't let others tell you they don't like the name. So what? Remember, you, your baby and what you want to impart or speak into you baby's future is really what matters. Not the opinions of strangers. Not even mine.
Reply:Yes my whole life I have loved the name Caleb. I have read that it means anger like a dog and on other sites it say forceful like a dog. My husband just can't get past the meaning and refuses to name our child Caleb. :( such a pretty name such a bad meaning.
Maybe you could go with Mallie or something close but not quite the same?
i remember having to do a report in school where we had to find the meanings of our first, middle, and last name and its origin and I was proud that my name meant "beloved" It would have been weird but not devastating to have said "unlucky".
Oh and my mother's real name is Dolores and it means "sorrow" my mom hated the meaning so much she changed it to her middle name "kay" in the third grade.
Reply:No not really but if it was a really horrible meaning like ugly or stupid I wouldn't use it. I like the name Marie and the meaning is bitter, it's pretty harsh but I still might use it as a middle name for my daughter. I like Scarlett Marie, Lillian Marie, Layla Marie or Ava Marie x
Reply:If I liked the name, I would do it. My parents loved the name Chelsea and named my sister it without knowing it meant "Port of Ships." My name means "Olive Tree." It's not the name will make her unlucky.
Reply:Mallory sounds like a mallard duck. Or someone with frizzy hair. Oh my, that is unlucky! I guess I don't have much room to talk, though. I'm planning on Carter if I have a boy, which means something like driver of a cart.
Reply:it may or may not really matter to you, but would you like to grow up with your name meaning unlucky? the meaning of my name is really important to me, so i would pick something else - it would make a good middle name though
Reply:Yeah. I really liked the name Legion for a boy but my mom advised me that in the Bible there's a passage that talks about "Legion of Demons". So that turned me off..l
Reply:No, it's not as if the meaning has any jurisdiction over how your child will turn out!
I think Mallory is beautiful! I would still use it, if I were you!
Reply:Well, yes. I would be put off by that....for example, Seth is a popular name but it's actually the name of an evil mythological villain.....idk....
Reply:No. I never look at the names meaning.
I dont know the meaning of my own name.
Reply:no i dont think it really matters. Mallory is a beautiful name.
Reply:no. but mallory is an ugly name so don't go with that.
Reply:No I wouldn't let it affect my decision. Best wishes ;)
Reply:no, most ppl dont know what they mean anyway
Reply:no dont listen t people who say that stuff
Would the meaning of the name put you off of naming your baby?
"The meaning of baby names can be a major reason for parents to select a specific name for their baby. It is often a belief that the meaning of a name can instill certain characteristics or attributes that is the deciding factor in a baby鈥檚 name..."
Mallory is a calm and soothing name. You evidently found the French meaning of the name. However, the German meaning of the name means "army counselor". That is a name that speaks of wisdom and strength.
"Army" implies strength and power, which can be a good thing for a girl in this day and age.
"Counselor" implies wisdom and intelligence. What more could you ask for your daughter?
Naming a child is a big responsibility and not something to be taken lightly. We've all known kids in school who were teased for their name or even the meaning of their initials.
But when it comes down to it, you have to name your child something that you like. After all, it's pretty much guaranteed you will be whispering, singing, crying and yelling that name quite a bit over the next 18 years. So it better be something that you can say easily and like the sound of when you say it.
Congratulations and don't let others tell you they don't like the name. So what? Remember, you, your baby and what you want to impart or speak into you baby's future is really what matters. Not the opinions of strangers. Not even mine.
Reply:Yes my whole life I have loved the name Caleb. I have read that it means anger like a dog and on other sites it say forceful like a dog. My husband just can't get past the meaning and refuses to name our child Caleb. :( such a pretty name such a bad meaning.
Maybe you could go with Mallie or something close but not quite the same?
i remember having to do a report in school where we had to find the meanings of our first, middle, and last name and its origin and I was proud that my name meant "beloved" It would have been weird but not devastating to have said "unlucky".
Oh and my mother's real name is Dolores and it means "sorrow" my mom hated the meaning so much she changed it to her middle name "kay" in the third grade.
Reply:No not really but if it was a really horrible meaning like ugly or stupid I wouldn't use it. I like the name Marie and the meaning is bitter, it's pretty harsh but I still might use it as a middle name for my daughter. I like Scarlett Marie, Lillian Marie, Layla Marie or Ava Marie x
Reply:If I liked the name, I would do it. My parents loved the name Chelsea and named my sister it without knowing it meant "Port of Ships." My name means "Olive Tree." It's not the name will make her unlucky.
Reply:Mallory sounds like a mallard duck. Or someone with frizzy hair. Oh my, that is unlucky! I guess I don't have much room to talk, though. I'm planning on Carter if I have a boy, which means something like driver of a cart.
Reply:it may or may not really matter to you, but would you like to grow up with your name meaning unlucky? the meaning of my name is really important to me, so i would pick something else - it would make a good middle name though
Reply:Yeah. I really liked the name Legion for a boy but my mom advised me that in the Bible there's a passage that talks about "Legion of Demons". So that turned me off..l
Reply:No, it's not as if the meaning has any jurisdiction over how your child will turn out!
I think Mallory is beautiful! I would still use it, if I were you!
Reply:Well, yes. I would be put off by that....for example, Seth is a popular name but it's actually the name of an evil mythological villain.....idk....
Reply:No. I never look at the names meaning.
I dont know the meaning of my own name.
Reply:no i dont think it really matters. Mallory is a beautiful name.
Reply:no. but mallory is an ugly name so don't go with that.
Reply:No I wouldn't let it affect my decision. Best wishes ;)
Reply:no, most ppl dont know what they mean anyway
Reply:no dont listen t people who say that stuff
Can the meaning of a name influence the personality of its owner?
I've met quite a few people whose names "fit" them. There appeared to be a "chemistry" between the name and the person's character.
Can the meaning of a name influence the personality of its owner?
it's funny that you brought up that question because my sister made a similar comment a few days ago. i think that some people really do go hand in hand with their name. there are some who don't match the name they have at all. my ex had a really dorky name. when i first met him, and found out his name, i giggled cause he was so cute but his name was not!
Reply:My first revision didn't take for some reason. So I will try it again:
Many good answers! Thank you sharing!
I've known some people who were given names associated with royalty or integrity who were SO the opposite. There must have been a breakdown in nurture. Report Abuse
Reply:i agree with you!! Report Abuse
Reply:I've felt that way too. It seems like that a lot. Like the name Cassie.. spelled differently, but I know several people with that name and they are all odd and gay, lol.
And I've met other people.. with my name.. that look like me and acted like me when I was younger.
Reply:Sometime is seems that way, but then you'll meet someone who doesn't, like this really hot babe I met named Mildred.
Reply:The name obviously influences the behavior of its owner rather than vice versa. Names confer expectations that they will be lived up to, or conformed to.
Boys with masculine names are generally more macho acting than the boy named Sue or Beverly (with notable exceptions, of course).
Reply:I think it has a small effect on the subconscious.
Reply:No. There was this man who tried this experiment, to see whether a name would influence a child's future. He had two sons. One was named Winner and the other was named Loser. He doted on Winner and gave him everything. Loser was neglected as a child. Guess who grew up to be a criminal and who grew up to be a respected sheriff? Winner went to jail. Loser is known affectionately as Inspector Lou. This is a true story, and it happened in US.
Reply:i dont think so. my name is alyssa. but i tell people to call me ally because its more spunky and attitude filled than my actual name, and fits me better. but other people think that ally is cute, instead of edgy. but its also the way i spell it. people think that im friendly coz i spell it like 'ally' but in truth, im an in-your-face jerk. i think that because ive met so many people that think my name is pretty, that ive actually rebelled and said to myself that i was going to be the exact opposite of what they expect. so maybe it does have something to do with a personality.
Reply:I have to disagree with that theory. Anyone once they are over 18, can change their name.
Can the meaning of a name influence the personality of its owner?
it's funny that you brought up that question because my sister made a similar comment a few days ago. i think that some people really do go hand in hand with their name. there are some who don't match the name they have at all. my ex had a really dorky name. when i first met him, and found out his name, i giggled cause he was so cute but his name was not!
Reply:My first revision didn't take for some reason. So I will try it again:
Many good answers! Thank you sharing!
I've known some people who were given names associated with royalty or integrity who were SO the opposite. There must have been a breakdown in nurture. Report Abuse
Reply:i agree with you!! Report Abuse
Reply:I've felt that way too. It seems like that a lot. Like the name Cassie.. spelled differently, but I know several people with that name and they are all odd and gay, lol.
And I've met other people.. with my name.. that look like me and acted like me when I was younger.
Reply:Sometime is seems that way, but then you'll meet someone who doesn't, like this really hot babe I met named Mildred.
Reply:The name obviously influences the behavior of its owner rather than vice versa. Names confer expectations that they will be lived up to, or conformed to.
Boys with masculine names are generally more macho acting than the boy named Sue or Beverly (with notable exceptions, of course).
Reply:I think it has a small effect on the subconscious.
Reply:No. There was this man who tried this experiment, to see whether a name would influence a child's future. He had two sons. One was named Winner and the other was named Loser. He doted on Winner and gave him everything. Loser was neglected as a child. Guess who grew up to be a criminal and who grew up to be a respected sheriff? Winner went to jail. Loser is known affectionately as Inspector Lou. This is a true story, and it happened in US.
Reply:i dont think so. my name is alyssa. but i tell people to call me ally because its more spunky and attitude filled than my actual name, and fits me better. but other people think that ally is cute, instead of edgy. but its also the way i spell it. people think that im friendly coz i spell it like 'ally' but in truth, im an in-your-face jerk. i think that because ive met so many people that think my name is pretty, that ive actually rebelled and said to myself that i was going to be the exact opposite of what they expect. so maybe it does have something to do with a personality.
Reply:I have to disagree with that theory. Anyone once they are over 18, can change their name.
What is the meaning of the following names...Abinesh, Monica...Vanamali?
please help me with proper links or exact etymological meanings.Only the sincere need answere this quest for truth.
What is the meaning of the following names...Abinesh, Monica...Vanamali?
Monica, in chinese. Best I could do.
kung fu school
What is the meaning of the following names...Abinesh, Monica...Vanamali?
Monica, in chinese. Best I could do.
kung fu school
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
How important is the meaning of a name to you?
Will you look for a name with a certain meaning first, or just find a name you like and then look at the meaning?
How important is the meaning of a name to you?
I guess how important a name is, for me, would be pretty important. I mean, you dont want a name with the meaning of Dirt or something like that, you know? So I looked up some names and this is some things that I found:
Girls Names I like:
Abigail/Abbi, Father in Rejoice
Ashtyn, Settlement in the Ash Tree Grove
Baylee, Bailiff
Bree/Bri, The exalted one.
Cali, N/A
Chelsea, Chalk Landing Place
Dani, God is my judge
Devyn, N/A
Elenore, pity
Faith, faith, confidence
Boy Names I Like:
Andy, man; warrior
Benjamin, son of my right hand
Connor, Lover of Hounds
Garret, Strength of the spear
Dallas, Meadow stance
Reply:If I really liked a name, and was definately going to use it I would research the meaning of the name, mainly because I don't want my child to have a name and the meaning of it turns out to be something like 'rubbish' or 'sadness'. I would reconsider the name I chose depending on the meaning.
Reply:Every baby name book has different meanings for the same name. I wonder if someone just sits around making up meanings LOL.
If I happen to see a really horrible meaning, it will turn me off to the name. Otherwise I just pick what I like without paying too much attention to the meaning.
Reply:i find a name i like then look at the meaning if i dont like the meaning i will not name my baby that, like i wanted to name her Sienna then i found out the meaning of that name was 'reddish brown' lol, so i moved on to the next name which is Anaya (A Nigh uh) the meaning of it is 'completely free' so much better then 'reddish brown' lol.
Reply:No i just pick names i like. The only name that means something to me is my oldest daughters middle name Billie. That has personal meaning. Even my youngest daughters middle name is just another name i liked. Her middle name is Myia. SO i have Chloe Billie Clair and Keira Myia Clair. I'm due another little girl in 7 weeks and thinking of calling her Brooke Tayla Clair. Just because i like it lol x
Reply:I picked names I liked and had a special meaning. My son's middle name just kind of came out of no where but it fit him, so I went with it. My future daughter's name is all planned out..with meaning.
Also, I don't believe in outlandish names to be unique. Kids are mean as hell and I want to minimize the name teasing!
Reply:I check for the name fist, but I'm always interested in the meaning of a name. And when I have children, I'd like their names to have an important meaning.
Mine means, She Who Listens. I love that!
Reply:a name you like is more important people will always hear your name hardly ever the meaning! i think my daughter would rather have a name she likes and a meaning she doesn't she has to hear the name everyday!x
Reply:Not very, I couldn't even tell you the meaning of my children's names without looking it up.
We just found things that flowed well with our last name, and names that we thought were pretty.
Reply:its not the first thing I look for but once I know the meaning it can change my mind like I had my heart set on Claudia til I found out it meant cripple now I like Maeva and when I found out it was polynesian for welcome I just thought perfect
Reply:Doesn't matter to me at all. You arn't going to introduce your child as 'little johnny, it means fireplace' or whatever.
A particular spelling of my daughters name Leah means 'goddess of canoe-making'!!!
Reply:i would think of the name first then look for the meaning,but more important i would think if the name would sound right when the child is 18 andin a social gathering
Reply:I always go for sound over meaning.
It doesn't really matter what a name means unless it's something negative, then I'd definitely reconsider.
Reply:I tend to subscribe to the philosophy that New Scientist Magazine calls 'Nominative Determinism'
or, Give a dog a bad name...
Reply:not important atall when i look at baby name websites i hardly ever look at the meanings
Reply:i don't really care about meanings when i will name my child (which won't be for awhile) i will probably never look at the meaning
Reply:meaning is the most important for me
Reply:VERY. When I hear a name I like, I always look up name meanings!
Reply:Meanings are very important to me
Reply:i dont think itsthat important unlessitmeans something reallyawful or bad like poo
Reply:no my daughter is named Dai and its not even a real name but then again im 15 so i like unsusally names
How important is the meaning of a name to you?
I guess how important a name is, for me, would be pretty important. I mean, you dont want a name with the meaning of Dirt or something like that, you know? So I looked up some names and this is some things that I found:
Girls Names I like:
Abigail/Abbi, Father in Rejoice
Ashtyn, Settlement in the Ash Tree Grove
Baylee, Bailiff
Bree/Bri, The exalted one.
Cali, N/A
Chelsea, Chalk Landing Place
Dani, God is my judge
Devyn, N/A
Elenore, pity
Faith, faith, confidence
Boy Names I Like:
Andy, man; warrior
Benjamin, son of my right hand
Connor, Lover of Hounds
Garret, Strength of the spear
Dallas, Meadow stance
Reply:If I really liked a name, and was definately going to use it I would research the meaning of the name, mainly because I don't want my child to have a name and the meaning of it turns out to be something like 'rubbish' or 'sadness'. I would reconsider the name I chose depending on the meaning.
Reply:Every baby name book has different meanings for the same name. I wonder if someone just sits around making up meanings LOL.
If I happen to see a really horrible meaning, it will turn me off to the name. Otherwise I just pick what I like without paying too much attention to the meaning.
Reply:i find a name i like then look at the meaning if i dont like the meaning i will not name my baby that, like i wanted to name her Sienna then i found out the meaning of that name was 'reddish brown' lol, so i moved on to the next name which is Anaya (A Nigh uh) the meaning of it is 'completely free' so much better then 'reddish brown' lol.
Reply:No i just pick names i like. The only name that means something to me is my oldest daughters middle name Billie. That has personal meaning. Even my youngest daughters middle name is just another name i liked. Her middle name is Myia. SO i have Chloe Billie Clair and Keira Myia Clair. I'm due another little girl in 7 weeks and thinking of calling her Brooke Tayla Clair. Just because i like it lol x
Reply:I picked names I liked and had a special meaning. My son's middle name just kind of came out of no where but it fit him, so I went with it. My future daughter's name is all planned out..with meaning.
Also, I don't believe in outlandish names to be unique. Kids are mean as hell and I want to minimize the name teasing!
Reply:I check for the name fist, but I'm always interested in the meaning of a name. And when I have children, I'd like their names to have an important meaning.
Mine means, She Who Listens. I love that!
Reply:a name you like is more important people will always hear your name hardly ever the meaning! i think my daughter would rather have a name she likes and a meaning she doesn't she has to hear the name everyday!x
Reply:Not very, I couldn't even tell you the meaning of my children's names without looking it up.
We just found things that flowed well with our last name, and names that we thought were pretty.
Reply:its not the first thing I look for but once I know the meaning it can change my mind like I had my heart set on Claudia til I found out it meant cripple now I like Maeva and when I found out it was polynesian for welcome I just thought perfect
Reply:Doesn't matter to me at all. You arn't going to introduce your child as 'little johnny, it means fireplace' or whatever.
A particular spelling of my daughters name Leah means 'goddess of canoe-making'!!!
Reply:i would think of the name first then look for the meaning,but more important i would think if the name would sound right when the child is 18 andin a social gathering
Reply:I always go for sound over meaning.
It doesn't really matter what a name means unless it's something negative, then I'd definitely reconsider.
Reply:I tend to subscribe to the philosophy that New Scientist Magazine calls 'Nominative Determinism'
or, Give a dog a bad name...
Reply:not important atall when i look at baby name websites i hardly ever look at the meanings
Reply:i don't really care about meanings when i will name my child (which won't be for awhile) i will probably never look at the meaning
Reply:meaning is the most important for me
Reply:VERY. When I hear a name I like, I always look up name meanings!
Reply:Meanings are very important to me
Reply:i dont think itsthat important unlessitmeans something reallyawful or bad like poo
Reply:no my daughter is named Dai and its not even a real name but then again im 15 so i like unsusally names
What is the meaning of this conflict between neighboring countries about names and about the past ? ?
I personally care about the environmental disaster that Turkiye and Greece suffered from the forest fires, about the gradual submission of the Mediterranean countries to the desert zone, and about global warming which will turn Constantinoupilis - Istambul and Thessaloniki - Selanik to underwater cities.
Who's going to care about the names and about what happend 500 ago then?
What is the meaning of this conflict between neighboring countries about names and about the past ? ?
Dear Friend..
I was thinking exactly the same thing today. As you already know, I am interested in history but I am having a hard time understanding why people dwell on something that they have- nobody has- no chance to change.Historical facts are for learning about what happened and making a collective memory of. NOT for discussing or getting frustrated about because - I repeat- it can not be changed.
i wouldn't care less if my home town was still called Prussia, it would still be the same place. You are perfectly right; our two countries have a lot more important issues to deal with right now, as of today.
We have to come together and at least form a mutual crisis center for aid to forest fires, purchase common fire extinguishing equipment which can be used on both countries when needed.
What people don't see now is our countries are so close, we are even effecting each others climate. If the forests in our Aegean cost diminish, the Greek islands will be more vulnerable to sand storms, and there will be less rain, if any. Same goes for us, as well.
The governments of each country should stop fighting for their own benefits and votes, have to sit down and find a way to cooperate during extraordinary times and disasters.
I know, I am dreaming, you don't have to remind me :)
Reply:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v... Report Abuse
Reply:How interesting answers I found just here above mine. Especially the one of our greek betrayer Vasili. She says that she don't care how do you call Thessaloniki or Slink. But then again look at her if you call it SOL UN (with it's original name). How suddenly she don't bother the names and in the same time she continues to call Republic of Macedonia with insulting names? But I can and I will explain you why. Big fish eats small fish. When someone is bigger and stronger then you, you talk with him with awe, you are licking the floor and kissing the @sses! But if it is smaller and wicker then you then it is another story. Because of the name you won't go to NATO or EU, because we don't like you, because we need someone to medicate our fears and inferiority complexes, that's why we use VETO. I just wonder how far our Greek hypocrisy will go???
to vasiliki-MACEDONIA (not FYROM) is a constitutional name of Republic of Macedonia recognized by more then 120 countries included Turkey, USA, Russia, China etc. so any other name instead Macedonia is insult
SOLUN is the name that all Slavic people are using for Thessaloniki or Slink even today just like more then 1000 years ago, when Solun had nothing in common with Greece and Greeks
Reply:I agree with Keyser.
It just seems that some people can't stand calmness and happiness.
Also, turkish people, the harder you TRY to prove that you are Europeans the harder they (trolls) will attack you.
This happens when they understand that you are annoyed by their comments, when it is very obvious that they want to annoy you!
If people have objections about Turks entering EU (they have the right to disagree for any reason), well,that's why they vote and that's why their leaders exist for, to hear their opinions and TAKE ACTION according to these opinions. Aren't they democratic after all?
I mean they should turn to their leaders.
Reply:caring about the environment is very important. But, as far as I understand, there are some war mongers-in the White House and in other important positions in the US-who would do everything to stir political tensions around the world, and then, God forbid... Well, let's look at what they did in Yugoslavia: They used DU and cluster bombs, and they bombed petro chemicals installations. This caused more devastation to the environment then anything else. So, in order to stand up against wars and war mongering, one should consider what happened in the past as important as things related to the environment.
Reply:Thankyou for asking such a well thought out question. I am glad to see the positive responses so far and hope that people recall their neighbours as human beings rather than enemies when a question such as "Which country is most similar to Turkey" as it appears as though we are schitzophrenics here. I got something like 19 thumb downs for saying Greece, which is bewildering. On the other hand I understand that Greeks and history teachers call Istanbul Constantinople - which is fair enough, but I have yet to see anyone in the general public who refer to Istanbul as Constantinople. Truth should win, not the allocated teams.
Reply:there is ALOT of time to pass until the regions you talk about become underwater cities.the first nation to be flooded as a result of climate change will be the UK.i agree that turkey and greece will suffer desertfication,and we can thank the usa and china for that.
when you think about these real life issues,it just makes all the petty squabbles greeks,turks,armenians,kurds,macedonians have about land pretty dire...
i also hope that the people who try to play us off against each other feel ashamed of themselves.
no wait a second here,just to clear something up.The greeks that call istanbul constantinople really shouldnt be doing that atall,because thats where the problem lies.the city is called ISTANBUL now.its a turkish city,its not a greek one.if greeks were incharge of it,u could call it that,but its turkish and that wont change.there is no reason to call it constantinople.the whole world calls it istanbul.
a greek born after the 70's just doesnt have an excuse not calling it istanbul,other than simple being stubborn.
Reply:I agree with you Dellarovere.
I find it amazing people to be so offended of calling Instabul-Konstantinopole.(When the same time they call Thessaloniki as Selanik).And I got many thump downs (i don't even care) about stating some reality.
We should take care more about this because is something that will affect both of us and we should bond our powers to face it...
Its better to be together than to be against..;)
edit to bakoyanni:
FYROM is the name that EU,Nato and UN use.
Any internationally legal name is not insulting.
Selanik is a name used for 400 years and Thessaloniki is a name used for the rest of this city's existance.
Solun was never the name of Thessaloniki.So give me a break "bakoyanni" and express with another way your complexes (I wonder why you are so obsessed with me )
Edit to keyser:
How you call in YOUR language Greece?
Greece,Hellada or Yunanistan?
Um, I don't understand why a Greek person would be bothered at all by the name of Istanbul: Eis Tan Polis.
My hometown is Konya, as solid as a Turkish city gets, Seljuk capital for centuries, central to Anatolian Turkish beyliks: the name is from Iconium.
Speaking of conflicts and peace in the region, some very bad person apparently reported my question "family stories from Anatolia and Thrace". :( I have appealed it, and if Yahoo does not come through, then I'll leave this place for the trolls.
Off to run now, nice day...
Reply:When we can all imagine a world without borders.
In fact, I believe we should all learn what happened 500 years, 1000 years, 2000 years ago, but with the curiosity of a child. Not looking for evidence to slander the other.
Reply:It is happening here where I live too. It is a big problem. We have to all do something. In fact I will say that we all have to do MANY things not just something.
Reply:sadly its the nature of human kind.there will always be borders,territories and there will always be conflict,fighting
Reply:thank you my friend ,
i agree with you and
these are for you from us
Reply:dear, it is ISTANBUL not ISTAMBUL .
Reply:It is true that people do irrational things. Don't you see all the wars? We have so many dead people from accidents or illnesses, and we are sad, and we do research to try to solve this problem. Yet, we go kill each other for no apparent reason! We can coexist just fine.
As for history, the issue is to accept and be objective about history. We have monuments of multiple cultures that sometimes are not our culture. We must be proud of them! Let me tell you this: there is a mosque in Trikala, a very interesting building. The Ministry of Culture restored it. I would have loved to have worked there! Well, some people in the area were displeased because money was given to restore the mosque! That is so silly!
Similarly, in Istanbul, there is a standing Byzantine palace. We only have that from teh Byzantine Palaces of Constantinople (I call it that, since that was the name of the city when the palaces were built). Therefore, it is a great monument and a rare one. And an amazing edifice. It should be considered among Turkey's main monuments. Instead it is falling apart. Why? The Sultan's palace is at the best state of conservation. I believe cultural decisions are sometimes based on political ideology, and this is wrong.
Reply:Macedonia has suffered too, you know.
Who's going to care about the names and about what happend 500 ago then?
What is the meaning of this conflict between neighboring countries about names and about the past ? ?
Dear Friend..
I was thinking exactly the same thing today. As you already know, I am interested in history but I am having a hard time understanding why people dwell on something that they have- nobody has- no chance to change.Historical facts are for learning about what happened and making a collective memory of. NOT for discussing or getting frustrated about because - I repeat- it can not be changed.
i wouldn't care less if my home town was still called Prussia, it would still be the same place. You are perfectly right; our two countries have a lot more important issues to deal with right now, as of today.
We have to come together and at least form a mutual crisis center for aid to forest fires, purchase common fire extinguishing equipment which can be used on both countries when needed.
What people don't see now is our countries are so close, we are even effecting each others climate. If the forests in our Aegean cost diminish, the Greek islands will be more vulnerable to sand storms, and there will be less rain, if any. Same goes for us, as well.
The governments of each country should stop fighting for their own benefits and votes, have to sit down and find a way to cooperate during extraordinary times and disasters.
I know, I am dreaming, you don't have to remind me :)
Reply:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v... Report Abuse
Reply:How interesting answers I found just here above mine. Especially the one of our greek betrayer Vasili. She says that she don't care how do you call Thessaloniki or Slink. But then again look at her if you call it SOL UN (with it's original name). How suddenly she don't bother the names and in the same time she continues to call Republic of Macedonia with insulting names? But I can and I will explain you why. Big fish eats small fish. When someone is bigger and stronger then you, you talk with him with awe, you are licking the floor and kissing the @sses! But if it is smaller and wicker then you then it is another story. Because of the name you won't go to NATO or EU, because we don't like you, because we need someone to medicate our fears and inferiority complexes, that's why we use VETO. I just wonder how far our Greek hypocrisy will go???
to vasiliki-MACEDONIA (not FYROM) is a constitutional name of Republic of Macedonia recognized by more then 120 countries included Turkey, USA, Russia, China etc. so any other name instead Macedonia is insult
SOLUN is the name that all Slavic people are using for Thessaloniki or Slink even today just like more then 1000 years ago, when Solun had nothing in common with Greece and Greeks
Reply:I agree with Keyser.
It just seems that some people can't stand calmness and happiness.
Also, turkish people, the harder you TRY to prove that you are Europeans the harder they (trolls) will attack you.
This happens when they understand that you are annoyed by their comments, when it is very obvious that they want to annoy you!
If people have objections about Turks entering EU (they have the right to disagree for any reason), well,that's why they vote and that's why their leaders exist for, to hear their opinions and TAKE ACTION according to these opinions. Aren't they democratic after all?
I mean they should turn to their leaders.
Reply:caring about the environment is very important. But, as far as I understand, there are some war mongers-in the White House and in other important positions in the US-who would do everything to stir political tensions around the world, and then, God forbid... Well, let's look at what they did in Yugoslavia: They used DU and cluster bombs, and they bombed petro chemicals installations. This caused more devastation to the environment then anything else. So, in order to stand up against wars and war mongering, one should consider what happened in the past as important as things related to the environment.
Reply:Thankyou for asking such a well thought out question. I am glad to see the positive responses so far and hope that people recall their neighbours as human beings rather than enemies when a question such as "Which country is most similar to Turkey" as it appears as though we are schitzophrenics here. I got something like 19 thumb downs for saying Greece, which is bewildering. On the other hand I understand that Greeks and history teachers call Istanbul Constantinople - which is fair enough, but I have yet to see anyone in the general public who refer to Istanbul as Constantinople. Truth should win, not the allocated teams.
Reply:there is ALOT of time to pass until the regions you talk about become underwater cities.the first nation to be flooded as a result of climate change will be the UK.i agree that turkey and greece will suffer desertfication,and we can thank the usa and china for that.
when you think about these real life issues,it just makes all the petty squabbles greeks,turks,armenians,kurds,macedonians have about land pretty dire...
i also hope that the people who try to play us off against each other feel ashamed of themselves.
no wait a second here,just to clear something up.The greeks that call istanbul constantinople really shouldnt be doing that atall,because thats where the problem lies.the city is called ISTANBUL now.its a turkish city,its not a greek one.if greeks were incharge of it,u could call it that,but its turkish and that wont change.there is no reason to call it constantinople.the whole world calls it istanbul.
a greek born after the 70's just doesnt have an excuse not calling it istanbul,other than simple being stubborn.
Reply:I agree with you Dellarovere.
I find it amazing people to be so offended of calling Instabul-Konstantinopole.(When the same time they call Thessaloniki as Selanik).And I got many thump downs (i don't even care) about stating some reality.
We should take care more about this because is something that will affect both of us and we should bond our powers to face it...
Its better to be together than to be against..;)
edit to bakoyanni:
FYROM is the name that EU,Nato and UN use.
Any internationally legal name is not insulting.
Selanik is a name used for 400 years and Thessaloniki is a name used for the rest of this city's existance.
Solun was never the name of Thessaloniki.So give me a break "bakoyanni" and express with another way your complexes (I wonder why you are so obsessed with me )
Edit to keyser:
How you call in YOUR language Greece?
Greece,Hellada or Yunanistan?
Um, I don't understand why a Greek person would be bothered at all by the name of Istanbul: Eis Tan Polis.
My hometown is Konya, as solid as a Turkish city gets, Seljuk capital for centuries, central to Anatolian Turkish beyliks: the name is from Iconium.
Speaking of conflicts and peace in the region, some very bad person apparently reported my question "family stories from Anatolia and Thrace". :( I have appealed it, and if Yahoo does not come through, then I'll leave this place for the trolls.
Off to run now, nice day...
Reply:When we can all imagine a world without borders.
In fact, I believe we should all learn what happened 500 years, 1000 years, 2000 years ago, but with the curiosity of a child. Not looking for evidence to slander the other.
Reply:It is happening here where I live too. It is a big problem. We have to all do something. In fact I will say that we all have to do MANY things not just something.
Reply:sadly its the nature of human kind.there will always be borders,territories and there will always be conflict,fighting
Reply:thank you my friend ,
i agree with you and
these are for you from us
Reply:dear, it is ISTANBUL not ISTAMBUL .
Reply:It is true that people do irrational things. Don't you see all the wars? We have so many dead people from accidents or illnesses, and we are sad, and we do research to try to solve this problem. Yet, we go kill each other for no apparent reason! We can coexist just fine.
As for history, the issue is to accept and be objective about history. We have monuments of multiple cultures that sometimes are not our culture. We must be proud of them! Let me tell you this: there is a mosque in Trikala, a very interesting building. The Ministry of Culture restored it. I would have loved to have worked there! Well, some people in the area were displeased because money was given to restore the mosque! That is so silly!
Similarly, in Istanbul, there is a standing Byzantine palace. We only have that from teh Byzantine Palaces of Constantinople (I call it that, since that was the name of the city when the palaces were built). Therefore, it is a great monument and a rare one. And an amazing edifice. It should be considered among Turkey's main monuments. Instead it is falling apart. Why? The Sultan's palace is at the best state of conservation. I believe cultural decisions are sometimes based on political ideology, and this is wrong.
Reply:Macedonia has suffered too, you know.
Could you tell me a web site about the meaning of english names?
Could you tell me a web site about the meaning of english names?
I like "Behind the name", on their site you can find the etymology, the history of first names and a lot more :-)
Reply:Dictionary.com is a good web site, they also have links to other websites to find them
Reply:here's a website. it's babyNames.com
Could you tell me a web site about the meaning of english names?
I like "Behind the name", on their site you can find the etymology, the history of first names and a lot more :-)
Reply:Dictionary.com is a good web site, they also have links to other websites to find them
Reply:here's a website. it's babyNames.com
Baby Names Meaning of Kayden?
What does this name mean and what nationality is it? Thanks.
Baby Names Meaning of Kayden?
Here is a link i found when trying to find the meaning of the name. Kayden means Fighter.
Reply:Kayden: Arabic, friend or companion
Hope this helps and I love this name for a boy!!!!
Reply:Kayden --- friend and companion (arabic)
Reply:in some other language it could mean something but in the western world it is a made up trendy name that will sound dumb in 10 yrs. It is part of the fleet of popular baby names that are like mix n match bikinis.
you take a Jay or a kay in the front and add a lynn or a den in the back.
Reply:Kayden is a made-up name that is used instead of Jaden.
Both are associated with poorly educated parents.
kung fu fighting
Baby Names Meaning of Kayden?
Here is a link i found when trying to find the meaning of the name. Kayden means Fighter.
Reply:Kayden: Arabic, friend or companion
Hope this helps and I love this name for a boy!!!!
Reply:Kayden --- friend and companion (arabic)
Reply:in some other language it could mean something but in the western world it is a made up trendy name that will sound dumb in 10 yrs. It is part of the fleet of popular baby names that are like mix n match bikinis.
you take a Jay or a kay in the front and add a lynn or a den in the back.
Reply:Kayden is a made-up name that is used instead of Jaden.
Both are associated with poorly educated parents.
kung fu fighting
What is the meaning of name Mohammed Zafar?
I was decided to put my baby boy鈥檚 name Mohammed Zafar
What are the definitions of this name , give me your suggestions
What is the meaning of name Mohammed Zafar?
Yeah its like laelanure stated: Praised Victory. I like it, its a very strong name for a boy!
Reply:The direct translation is "Stuck in 7th Century Mentality" and "Bombs Strapped to Self".
Reply:It literally means praised victory
Reply:Mohammed is a variant of Muhammad
Gender: Masculine
Usage: Arabic
Other Scripts: 賲丨賲賾丿 (Arabic)
Pronounced: moo-HAH-med [key]
Means "praised", derived from Arabic 丨賲丿 (hamid) "to praise". This was the name of the prophet who founded the Islamic religion in the 7th century. This name, with all of its variants, is perhaps the most popular in the world.
What are the definitions of this name , give me your suggestions
What is the meaning of name Mohammed Zafar?
Yeah its like laelanure stated: Praised Victory. I like it, its a very strong name for a boy!
Reply:The direct translation is "Stuck in 7th Century Mentality" and "Bombs Strapped to Self".
Reply:It literally means praised victory
Reply:Mohammed is a variant of Muhammad
Gender: Masculine
Usage: Arabic
Other Scripts: 賲丨賲賾丿 (Arabic)
Pronounced: moo-HAH-med [key]
Means "praised", derived from Arabic 丨賲丿 (hamid) "to praise". This was the name of the prophet who founded the Islamic religion in the 7th century. This name, with all of its variants, is perhaps the most popular in the world.
Baby Names- Meaning of Mary/ Mia/ Maggie.. Does anyone know exactly why they mean "bitter"?
I love names like Mia , Marilyn, or even Marion but they all have the Hebrew meaning of "bitter" does anyone know biblical or otherwise why they have this meaning? I would think a form of Mary would be a good name. Thanks
Baby Names- Meaning of Mary/ Mia/ Maggie.. Does anyone know exactly why they mean "bitter"?
I love those names too, they are beautiful, great names. Try not to worry about the meanings, they don't always matter (people name their children Kennedy which means ugly). I am not sure why they all mean bitterness (Maggie means pearl), but they are lovely names and if you like them, you should pick one for your child. My personal favorites are Marianne and Maggie. Good luck!
Reply:Thanks! Report Abuse
Reply:Try Maya or Mya
Reply:Its just that way, I have no idea but my Magdalena (Maggie) is not a bitter at all.. Hope this helps a little.. and good luck
Reply:Depending on the origins of Mary, the name can actually mean a variety of things:
Bitter or bitterness is actually the most common (and often times the only accepted) meaning of the name, but that is simply based on the Old English background. The biblical version of Mary may actually mean "Rebellion", but the Hebrew Mary means rebellion, bitterness, sea of bitterness, as well as "wished-for child".
I'm unsure of the accuracy of this claim, but "Wished-for Child" is really the nicest meaning of Mary that I've come along so far, and probably your best bet.
Two other varients of Mary, Maryl and Maryn, mean Blackbird and Of the sea, respectively.
Baby Names- Meaning of Mary/ Mia/ Maggie.. Does anyone know exactly why they mean "bitter"?
I love those names too, they are beautiful, great names. Try not to worry about the meanings, they don't always matter (people name their children Kennedy which means ugly). I am not sure why they all mean bitterness (Maggie means pearl), but they are lovely names and if you like them, you should pick one for your child. My personal favorites are Marianne and Maggie. Good luck!
Reply:Thanks! Report Abuse
Reply:Try Maya or Mya
Reply:Its just that way, I have no idea but my Magdalena (Maggie) is not a bitter at all.. Hope this helps a little.. and good luck
Reply:Depending on the origins of Mary, the name can actually mean a variety of things:
Bitter or bitterness is actually the most common (and often times the only accepted) meaning of the name, but that is simply based on the Old English background. The biblical version of Mary may actually mean "Rebellion", but the Hebrew Mary means rebellion, bitterness, sea of bitterness, as well as "wished-for child".
I'm unsure of the accuracy of this claim, but "Wished-for Child" is really the nicest meaning of Mary that I've come along so far, and probably your best bet.
Two other varients of Mary, Maryl and Maryn, mean Blackbird and Of the sea, respectively.
What do you think of Evelyn? names meaning bird?
What do you think of the name Evelyn? Is it too old fashion? It means Beautiful Bird.
I want a girls name that means bird, or a type of bird, or something about birds.
Like Ava, but less common. The meaning doesn't have to be just bird, but a type of bird too or something related.
What do you think of Evelyn? names meaning bird?
Aderyn "bird"
Kestrel- English name derived from the name of the bird of prey, from Old French cresserelle, a derivative of cressele, meaning "rattle," in reference to the sound of the bird's cry.
Avis "bird"
Doli- Native American Navajo name meaning "bluebird."
Quilla- "feather, quill."
Suzume- Japanese name meaning "sparrow."
Zipporah- "Bird"
Sora- "Chirping songbird"
Branwen- "holy raven"
Paloma - "dove"
Oriole- "golden bird"
Eerin- "A small grey owl"
Penelope- "duck"
Teal- "A water bird"
Yara- "A seagull"
Tori- "my turtledove."
Celandine- "a swallow bird."
Alouette- "lark"
Lynette- "bird"
Reply:I LOVE Evelyn. And so what if it's old-fashioned. Look at the names that are super popular right now - Emma, Hannah, Isabella, etc - they were considered "old lady names" just a couple years ago, and now half the babies in country have those names and people are avoiding them because they're too "trendy!" A child named Evelyn will have a beautiful name that's familiar but not so common that it's overused.
Evie is a cute nickname, too! (pronounced either "ee-vee" or "eh-vee" - both are cute).
Other bird names:
Reply:Evelyn to me is an old lady name. I worked for years as a nurse aide and had several Evelyns who were patients. However that generation will be long gone by the time a baby born today grows up into adulthood. It won't be seen as an old lady name anymore. That aside the name isn't bad at all. I wouldn't choose it but I wouldn't put the name down.
Reply:Congrats on your baby girl! My friend just named her baby Evelyn and at first I thought it was too old fashioned but after seeing her grow a little bit she fits into her name.
Bird names:
Robin or Robyn
You can nickname her pigeon
Blue is a cool middle name like Blue jay.
Dove is a cool middle name.
Reply:Evelyn is my grandmothers name. I've always loved it. My most recent cousin was also name Evelyn after grandma, and we call her Evie (eh-vee)...a little more updated of a nickname for a beautiful old name!
Lark (bird)
Origin: Spanish
Singing Bird
Origin: Greek
Wagtail Bird
Origin: Scandinavian
Long-legged Bird
Origin: Latin
Origin: English
Origin: Hawaiian
The Bird Woman
Origin: Native American
Small Bird
Origin: English
Reply:I think that Evelyn is a pretty name. Here are some others you might like:
Eileen- Beautiful bird
Merle- Blackbird
Talon- Bird claw
Jaylyn- Beautiful Jay bird
Raven- Blackbird
Alondra- Lark
Kanoni- Little bird
Sephora- Bird
Reply:Very pretty and elegant.
Reply:I love Evelyn, one of my favorite names. You can use Eva or Evie as a nickname. And it's not too old fashioned. It was #100 on the top 100 names of 2008.
Reply:I think Evelyn is a beautiful name!
Robin is pretty also.
Reply:I like Eva or Eve better. I don't like Evelyn.
Reply:Evelyn and Ava are my favorite names. :)
Reply:I like Evalyn (so Eva- Lynn) which combines the other two!
Reply:Evelyn reminds me of an egg.
Ava is pretty. I've never met anyone with that name.
Reply:Brenna, it means raven
Reply:i have a friend named evelyn and robin:)
Reply:I really like the name Evelyn
Reply:I never did like that names---it is for old ladies. How about WREN?
I want a girls name that means bird, or a type of bird, or something about birds.
Like Ava, but less common. The meaning doesn't have to be just bird, but a type of bird too or something related.
What do you think of Evelyn? names meaning bird?
Aderyn "bird"
Kestrel- English name derived from the name of the bird of prey, from Old French cresserelle, a derivative of cressele, meaning "rattle," in reference to the sound of the bird's cry.
Avis "bird"
Doli- Native American Navajo name meaning "bluebird."
Quilla- "feather, quill."
Suzume- Japanese name meaning "sparrow."
Zipporah- "Bird"
Sora- "Chirping songbird"
Branwen- "holy raven"
Paloma - "dove"
Oriole- "golden bird"
Eerin- "A small grey owl"
Penelope- "duck"
Teal- "A water bird"
Yara- "A seagull"
Tori- "my turtledove."
Celandine- "a swallow bird."
Alouette- "lark"
Lynette- "bird"
Reply:I LOVE Evelyn. And so what if it's old-fashioned. Look at the names that are super popular right now - Emma, Hannah, Isabella, etc - they were considered "old lady names" just a couple years ago, and now half the babies in country have those names and people are avoiding them because they're too "trendy!" A child named Evelyn will have a beautiful name that's familiar but not so common that it's overused.
Evie is a cute nickname, too! (pronounced either "ee-vee" or "eh-vee" - both are cute).
Other bird names:
Reply:Evelyn to me is an old lady name. I worked for years as a nurse aide and had several Evelyns who were patients. However that generation will be long gone by the time a baby born today grows up into adulthood. It won't be seen as an old lady name anymore. That aside the name isn't bad at all. I wouldn't choose it but I wouldn't put the name down.
Reply:Congrats on your baby girl! My friend just named her baby Evelyn and at first I thought it was too old fashioned but after seeing her grow a little bit she fits into her name.
Bird names:
Robin or Robyn
You can nickname her pigeon
Blue is a cool middle name like Blue jay.
Dove is a cool middle name.
Reply:Evelyn is my grandmothers name. I've always loved it. My most recent cousin was also name Evelyn after grandma, and we call her Evie (eh-vee)...a little more updated of a nickname for a beautiful old name!
Lark (bird)
Origin: Spanish
Singing Bird
Origin: Greek
Wagtail Bird
Origin: Scandinavian
Long-legged Bird
Origin: Latin
Origin: English
Origin: Hawaiian
The Bird Woman
Origin: Native American
Small Bird
Origin: English
Reply:I think that Evelyn is a pretty name. Here are some others you might like:
Eileen- Beautiful bird
Merle- Blackbird
Talon- Bird claw
Jaylyn- Beautiful Jay bird
Raven- Blackbird
Alondra- Lark
Kanoni- Little bird
Sephora- Bird
Reply:Very pretty and elegant.
Reply:I love Evelyn, one of my favorite names. You can use Eva or Evie as a nickname. And it's not too old fashioned. It was #100 on the top 100 names of 2008.
Reply:I think Evelyn is a beautiful name!
Robin is pretty also.
Reply:I like Eva or Eve better. I don't like Evelyn.
Reply:Evelyn and Ava are my favorite names. :)
Reply:I like Evalyn (so Eva- Lynn) which combines the other two!
Reply:Evelyn reminds me of an egg.
Ava is pretty. I've never met anyone with that name.
Reply:Brenna, it means raven
Reply:i have a friend named evelyn and robin:)
Reply:I really like the name Evelyn
Reply:I never did like that names---it is for old ladies. How about WREN?
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